Chapter 55-Purpose

Start from the beginning

In truth it made me worry as to whether he would go to extreme measures to attain justice for his brother's death. This ongoing war was the only thing that was keeping him at bay, and even if he had free rein Grey didn't seem like a ruler who would allow a Lance to go unchecked.

He probably could have killed us multiple times if he wanted to. The army he had in his disposable would suffice in number and overall quality to replace a Lance or two. The short time I had with King Grey in meeting and conversations painted him as a stern but capable military leader.

Though it was too soon to give any real judgement so far his outward age gave off the opposite air to what he truly was. He knows the Lances are more than our strength as individual mages. We represent the council and our relative royal families. Getting rid of us so sudden wouldn't help solidify his rule, especially with who he came to power.

Bairon finally relented as he clicked his tongue and cursed under his breath. His rage subsided as his mana signature died down.

It did make me wonder. Grey's mana arts was unlike I have witnessed before. In truth they were more mysterious than the potent magic the Vritra blooded warriors of Alacrya used. If he was capable of putting four white core mages on the ground with a mere gesture.

Just what was he? There have been murmurs and whispers, describing him to be one of the asuras. Sent down from Ephetous to lead us in this war, but then why has Lord Aldir and Lord Windsom given no message? It all seemed strange, the envoys of Lord Indrath all ceased without a trace, gone like there were mere myth and legends.

And here was a man. With records of him existing on Dicathen for quiet some time now but no there was still no clear grasp of his true origins. He was like a mirage, a hazy visage that evaporates when you reach too close.

"Why are we even here anyway?" Bairon asked. His tone still holding a hint of frustration and anger.

"King Grey wanted both of us to prepare Etistin bay for landfall." I replied curtly.

"For the ships? They are still weeks out and he wants two of the remaining four Lances to be mere guard dogs?" Bairon sneer again.

"The Alacryans are preparing to attack both Etistin city and the Wall. They intend to squeeze us from both sides, leaving us with little room to maneuver. It is a reasonable choice."

"And leave the rest of Dicathen unprotected?" Bairon snapped back. I was glad we were out of earshot of the rest of the people below. Having two Lances in public discord won't do much for morale.

"I understand you lack of faith with King Grey but-"

"He is no King of mine! You should feel the same way. We both pledge our allegiance to the Glayders and the council. Not to his poser who thinks raw strength is all to is required to be a ruler." Bairon's voice boomed like thunder. The clouds above turned dark grey as they stirred with malicious intent.

"The council was the one who elevated King Grey to his position." I warned Bairon. My core thrummed with mana as I prepared for the worst.

Bairon stared me down for a few moments. Gold tendril of electricity danced at his fingertips as he did so. I just looked back at him with a cold face I always used. The air turned a few degrees colder as mana coalesced in my hands.

The tension was palpable as we hung midair for a couple seconds with no further words passing between us. But in the end Bairon relented, his hold on his mana faded as he slowly began to descend.

I followed him down to the encampment below where our forced were. Long stone barricades and walls lined the beach.

Several feet apart were large canons the dwarves supplied us with. Using some kind of new material they had developed with Gideon. Being able to fire large projectiles with no mana required. Giving even people who lacked cores a way to aid the fight.

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