Imagine 5: Studying📖 (Vox)

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pairing: Human! Y/N x Vox

*summary: Y/N is in the middle of studying for a college course, and at some point, her demon boyfriend Vox shows up*

requested by @alast0rsgf

A loud, long, deep yawn leaves your mouth, as you slightly arch your back that's beginning to ache from how long you've sat in the quite uncomfortable wooden chair at the desk in your room.

A quick glance at your clock, and you see it's nearly 11:35 at night.
Late time to be up, yet it's needed, especially if you want to pass with flying colors.
Ignoring your body's plead for sleep, you hunch over the desk once more and begin to read a paragraph you've re-read multiple times, your pencil tapping the desk in a soft and bored manner.

The atmosphere in your room is calm and quiet, the only sound a clock ticking and tocking on the nightstand by your bed.
Well, that was the only sound, until you heard the faint sound of static and suddenly feel a pair of hands teasingly cover your eyes.

"Guess who?" a male voice whispers in your ear.
You scrunch your face, obviously knowing who this stranger is, but deciding to tease him sine he somewhat deserves it. "Uhh, Leonardo DiCaprio?"

He scoffs, hands falling away from your eyes. "You wish," he remarks.
You laugh softly as you shift your chair to be face to face with a...well, a demon to be precise.

Not some scary, blood thirsty, possession type of demon as you've read from books and seen on TV.
No, this demon is...well...a bit different.

More modernized.
He wears a striped, blue suit with a red bowtie at the collar of his red and black stripped shirt.
His eyes are red, but one of them sends a hypnosis frequency whenever and on whoever he desires--though he hasn't pulled that trick on you yet, thank goodness.

On top his head is a small hat that has the WiFI signal on it, with two little antennas sticking out of it.
And his that of a flat TV screen. said TV screen. And said demon.

He's a TV demon, to be precise. Which is...odd, and something that should only exist in a cartoon show, but alas, here he stands, real and alive.
"What are you doing here?" you ask after a moment.

He smiles. "It isn't obvious enough?" he remarks with a tilt of his head. "I came to see my number 1 girl."
A pink blush appears on your cheeks. are a human, and he's a demon, but you're going to be honest. This demon who's supposed to be all evil, dangerous, hates humans...he's actually way better boyfriend material then any of the human guys you've dated. And saying a lot.

Vox comes to the side of his chair catching a glimpse of what it is you're reading. "Whatcha studying babe?"
You shrug. "History," you sigh, "a rather tiresome thing to matter how interesting it may be."

"I see," he replies in a tone that says I don't really care.
You glance up at him. "Weren't you a human once? Do you know anything?"

He does a one shoulder shrug, arms crossed over his chest. "I was a human, yeah, but that was a LONG time ago."
"Not really," you mumble, judging that his era of time was when the first TV came out...and that was in the late 1920s, early 1930s, and it's only 2024.

Vox gives you a look. "If you want answers, go to Google or something."
"I can't simply rely on Google babe," you sigh deeply, before feeling a slight sting in your back.

Vox notices the slight discomfort, and his eyes travel from your face to your back. "Backache?"
You nod.

He chuckles. He definitely knows how that feels, being stuck to his desk full of buttons and monitors and TV screens that he controls throughout the days to keep Hell functioning.
For him what works is some exercise, but it might be different for you.

And he may know just the trick.

He exhales. "Lean forward."
"What?" you ask.
Vox rolls his eyes. "What couldn't you understand about that?"

"It's not that, ass," you bite, "it's the fact that it's kinda hard to LEAN forward when I have a desk right in front of me."
Vox chuckles. "Just make do, okay?" he winks, "you're pretty good at making do with things."

You sigh softly. This is a strange request, but, you do what he says and lean forward, exposing your back a bit more.
With a soft smile, Vox delicately traces a hand down your spine, which causes your chest to flutter a little.

"Where does it hurt most?" he asks.
"Middle," you respond, instantly feeling both his hands on the middle section of your spine, running up and down, slowly...gently...firmly.

Oh good lord.

Vox continues with these motions, making sure that it's comfortable for you, and making sure his claws don't accidently get caught on your clothes or dig into your skin.

The pain in your back is beginning to ease up, and soon you're too focused on how his hands are making the ache disappear completely.
You bite your bottom lip. "You're good at that," you remark.

He chuckles softly. "Glad you think so," his hand brushes aside your hair to now massage your shoulders. "It's no fun, trying to work while dealing with either a head or back ache. Trust me, I know that all to well..."

You reply with a soft exhale through your nose, seeming to melt like butter almost until your top is completely laying on the desk.
Vox laughs. "Wow...guess I'm the only one who's able to do that to you," he winks teasingly.

You roll your eyes, slightly amused from his egotistical joke.
"But I'm gonna be honest here," his hand slips under your chin. "Don't feel too pressured to do something, alright? Because no matter what you do, what matters most is trying. So, don't stay up till three in the morning trying to get straight A's."

"How did you know I stay up till three in the morning?!" you ask.
He winks. "Just call it intuition."

More like he's spying through my cell phone...

With a chuckle, his hand takes hold of yours. "Put the books down for the night, go and get some sleep. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, kay? Does that sound good for you baby?"

You nod, and he smiles. "Good, now come here..."
You follow him, before the two of you lay down on the bed. His arms wrap around you, his face resting near yours, while one free hand rubs your waist up and down comfortably.

You smile, already feeling yourself fall into a slumber, but before you fall asleep, you whisper. "Love you..."
"You too, doll," he smiles, "I love you too..."

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