part 12

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Rengoku was wandering around the area after hearing the news of his flame running off so quickly. 






Meanwhile back to akaza, jumping through the opened window of an abandoned place he plops her down on the floor and frowns.  "Kyojuro ~" he was not that flame hashira, "uhhh you have me mistakened with someone else"  "no...i dont think i do....heheh I believe i have every single idea of you Mr boobing" she is definitely drunk. 

"Not a clue what your talking about..." "Hehehe tharsh okaiiii daddy" what the fuck this woman going on about. "Ma'am are you okay" "my titties need to be sucked daddy" "no...just no..." Just exactly what did the flame hashira do.  And why does she keep calling him daddy, wait is she meaning it like a sexual term.  Shivering at the thought the very drunk woman giggles again before falling onto her face. 

Akaza was cringing inside so bad, "oh daddy~" "no I'm not your daddy" "I am hungry for you" "that doesn't even make any sense lady" backing into a corner y/n starts crawling, he tenses in alarm.  "Common just a small kiss wouldn't hurt~" "no that's a bad idea woman you should go to bed right now" "oh shusshh iy you are a beautiful mf dish ti eatss joe gimme a kiss!" She spoke in a man's mimicking voice. 

Akaza climbs up the wall to escape her touch, "no" "no coommere bark here~" "no no no no not happening you are livid and lucid on alcohol that I can smell from your breath I don't want any of that!!". "What does it take to get a handsome soul like you to come down here~?" "Nope nada I swear to God I will throw your ass in the tree if you think about climbing after me!".  He clings to the ceiling beam.

It was a mistake to bring her here, but the first question is why is she drunk.  The drunk woman giggles again and starts to try and climb upward, "woman I swear I will throw you!! Now stay down there until you feel better!!".  "Noo I refuse to stay down hee like a bug I want my heated lamp which is you ~~" "I can't believe I'm gonna do this, HELP ME OUT THERES A CRAZY HORNY WOMAN TRYING TO GET ME!!?" she stops in her tracks.

"Where" "oh my fucking god woman it's you..." "I am sexy and stunning" "no I don't want you back off" she backs away this time.  "Oh ok I guess I can go...elsewhere" "as long as you keep your damn fucking hands to yourself woman, you are drunk and need sleep asap" he hisses through teeth. 






A random guy hears the commotion from the building, curiosity getting him he checks it out.  Opening the door and poking his head in, there standing in the corner is a drunken woman. Even though he was an elderly man who's married he goes in unaware of the man eating demon in the ceiling. 

"Miss it's late out at night you should be in bed at this hour" she turns around and blinks before nodding. Guiding her away from the corner and out of the building akaza falls out of the ceiling making a thud.  A feeling of hunger from seeing the old man.  Meanwhile as the two walked through the woods the old man was a tired from walking, "alright I think you should be able to get inside the village from here".  He breathes tiredly, a set of glowing eyes watches from the tree line one of hunger.

A twig snaps his eyes slightly widens in alarm as a strong body stands over his shaky form.  The cane was shaking, y/n leans against the building unaware of the demon behind them.  "Tell me what do you think of women old man" "I-i have a wife that's waiting for me I respect women and my wife!!" "You look rather delicious tell me do you put up a good fight??".

His old knees shaking in terror, bones popping, akaza grips the elders head in his palm with pure hunger taking over.  "I haven't fought in years please spare me!!" "Hmm...but my hunger is telling me otherwise now i hate to eat you Infront of this woman that tried to get close to me earlier..but you see I can't control it so why don't we go for a walk away from everyone else's sight".  Pulling him out of sight he jumps further and further as the drunk woman's view gets smaller. 

Meanwhile rengoku was walking in the village keeping a close eye out, everyone seemed to be enjoying their night so far.  Until an elder woman comes up to him in worry, "mr I need your help...i was waiting for my husband to return home but he hasn't shown up yet..." "Who is it that I may ask??" "My husband he has a cane and really bad health issues especially when walking" "that does seem very concerning I will look for him". 

Back to y/n ...

Staggering in the alley's she falls onto her knees scraping them in the process, it seemed rather quiet now.  Turning around to see if the old man was there he wasn't all that was left was a blurry movement of a staff.  Scraping her knees and hands on the dirt she gets closer to it.  What happened to the old man, she sits there in question but it sounded like a faint distorted cry of a person.

Slowly standing up some of the drops of her blood fall on the dirt, she slowly follows the voice or cry.  Was it an animal ??, the closer and closer she gets the crying becomes more clear to the sound of an elderly.  "Aaagh !!!" Crunching and ripping of what seems to be flesh by the sound of it can be heard.  "Help!!!" "Hello?" Whoever it was doesn't stop crying which makes her feel unsafe. 

"Hello?? Who's screaming in pain where are you?..." Swaying still it was hard to locate the screaming.  Something warm and wet drips onto her nose, scrunching it up y/n looks at the tree above her.  A silhouette shadow of a person stands there and it looked like they were eating something. 

Its a face of a dead person...wait a dead person, did someone murder somebody and started eating a snack..?.  With the blurry vision still she could've sworn it looked like an old man being eaten.  No wait that's what it was, an old man, was it the same old man that walked her to the village.  "Hello sir?" The munching stopped very quickly a set of glowing eyes stares into her soul. 

"What the heck are you doing out here??....go back to the village there's nothing to see here" she feels the sticky stuff on her face.  It smelled like metallic, looking at the source that dropped a few times on her face fear is evident in her expression. 

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