part 3

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"sir I don't know a single thing about you, but I'm going to have to turn you down" she gasps in shock as he grabs her throat as he bites her lower lip hungrily. Letting it go he breathes shakily, "does it look like I give a single fuck of your damn option whore, I can easily just take you here and now as we speak I've been really wanting to get inside you for so long, why don't you be a good obedient girl for daddy and I Might just think about letting you go -".  His head snaps to the side, her hand is aching a tiny bit from slapping him so hard.

"You don't ever call me a whore and you don't get to choose whether you want to get inside me I won't let you!" She kicks him square in his nuts as he tumbles over to the side holding himself in pain.  Groaning in discomfort, "you bitch now you fucking done it" y/n doesn't waste any more minutes.  She immediately rushed out of the room and runs past his guards that try to hold her back from escaping.

"We can't let you run away he specifically wanted you for the night" "fuck your asses hard it's my decision to make now move out of my way". Brushing past the two guards she bolts for the window and jumps.  At first it slightly hurt, small bits of glass cutting into her skin.  The rain keeps going, her body starts falling from the seventh floor. 






So much for showing up at work anymore, staring up at the window the strange man is leaning halfway out of the window anger clearly written on its face. She smirked while giving him the middle finger as she kept falling.flipping back over to face the ground somehow it looked so different.

It seemed rather further down than before, yet it wasn't raining anymore just a clear warm night sky.  The wind must kicked up slightly y/n looks over at a strange person with wings diving down with a grin. are they okay?, getting a closer look they had yellow eyes and a horn on their head.

It looked so very strange they cackle in a way, looking back down to the Earth the trees seem to be getting much closer. Wait closer?, widening her eyes again she was indeed getting closer to the trees.  "Ah hell nah!!!" Y/n screamed, strange faint light can be shown.  Was it a building?, a fire pit, it can be worse, who knows what she might land in or on.  Its getting closer at such speed.

The closer y/n gets the better she can see the light of a weird looking place it looked like a dojo, "hel-!". She screamed until she was cut off as her body made a thud on something.

The wind is knocked out of her lungs, struggling to breathe in oxygen she was scared that death was going to snatch her just like that. After minutes of struggling she managed to breathe again but passes out.





"Who is this person?" "I've never seen anyone like that before" "let's poke her to see if she's a demon"...laying there still the mumbled voices speak to each other. Her body aches from head to toe, "poor thing she's bleeding" bleeding?, how is she bleeding.  Something cold drips onto her back, causing one limb to involuntarily move.  "I think she's dead.." "but she's not dead, look" " she's breathing still perhaps I can inject something in her blood stream" "shinobu no, I don't see any bite marks or scratch marks on her body".

A gentle voice spoke, followed by a slender hand turning her face slowly to the side. "Um I will also question what she's wearing..." "I wonder where she came from" "poke her with something" a gruff voice spoke. "Sanemi! Shut your damn intrusive thoughts up" "tch whatever..she could be a demon for all we know" "if she's a demon perhaps I can go ahead behead her right now" another voice pipes in.  "Tokito muichiro I dont think that is a good idea"....groaning in discomfort the girls hand covered her eyes. 

"Sh shh she's waking up" "back up right now" ....whatever the bright light was she squints her eyes.  "Ugh fucking hell, where the hell am I" low whispering starts up, "damnit shut the light off for fucks sake it's so damn bright!".  "Miss are you alright?" Blinking a few times her vision was slightly blurry before it clears up.  "Ugh my head hurts" holding it in both hands she looks down at the concrete in confusion.  Is she dead, or in a coma. 

The fishnets on her thighs were slightly torn up a bit, now she was remembering what happened. "Fuck...." "What is person talking about?" Lifting her head up slowly someones shadow lurks over her frame.  Broad shoulders, fluffy hair by the looks of it in the shadows shape. Slowly turning around the girl nearly jumps a bit as her back hits someone's legs.  Looking down they had flame designs on their ankles leading upwards slowly. 

Trailing upwards slowly her eyes locks eyes with a pair of flame colored eyes.  Alongside fluffy blond hair with red tips, blushing up at the strange person they grin.  Especially where her head was at, oh my god she's embarrassed now for being in between the persons thighs.  "Ah uh... sorry I didn't mean to-" "who are you miss?" "I'm sorry what?" "Who are you and why are you in our masters dojo" another voice spoke up.

A pair of hands are on her shoulders now the flame colored eyed male has wrapped his cape around their bodies.  Especially hers, blushing like a crazy person, the other person draws their sword. 

"Sanemi...put it away clearly this citizen is probably lost-" "bapbapbap I'm not lost okay I fell from the sky running from a psychopath that kidnapped me" "wow that was the most stupidest thing I've heard you a hoe falling from the sky and landing in the middle of our masters dojo" "bitch ass mother fucker you wanna go??!!?! I'll fuck your shit up call me that aga-" "no name calling please it's not nice for a woman such as yourself to do that" "nah nah nah nah he wants to go ill beat the shit out of him, hands off".

Ripping out of the man's hold the girl storms up to sanemi and raises her fist, and using force to punch him in the nose. He stumbles back glaring while holding his nose, some blood comes out.

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