Chapter 1 the club

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Jules POV

I felt eyes on me as I was getting ready and I looked over seeing Hayden staring at me I roll my eyes playfully

Jules: my eyes are up here

Hayden: not my fault your sexy as fuck

Jules: Your damn right I'm sexy now get ready were going to the club it's my day off

Hayden: I rather stay home with you •starts kissing her neck•

Jules POV

I turn around and peck his lips

Jules: stop we are not fucking in the middle of me doing my makeup

Hayden: you don't need makeup you're beautiful without it. I can't believe I married you a year ago today you been gorgeous since I met you

Jules: I love you too now get ready •takes the makeup brush from Hayden•

Hayden: okay okay

Jules POV

As he left to go get ready I touched up my makeup a little then started to curl my hair with my new red curling iron.

1 hour later

Hayden: no more drinks your gonna throw up babe

Jules: let's go danceeee •says stumbling•

Johnny: your wife is too drunk

Hayden: she's cute tho okay never mind she's a mess

Johnny: uh okay?

Jules: babe come on I wanna danceee oh hey Johnny

Johnny: uh hi

She falls over screaming a little but gets back up

Jules: I'm good

Hayden: yeah you need to sit down •grabs her arm•

Jules: ooo are we gonna have some fun

She says running a little as he walks her to the couch

Hayden: you're drunk you don't know what you want sit down

Jules: awe your no fun •pouts•

Jules POV

That's when I started feeling sick after I sat down

Johnny: is she okay?

Jules POV

And that's when I started throwing up Hayden came over to me and rubbed my back

Hayden: this is what happens when you drink too much let's get you home and get you cleaned up

Jules: but I wanna have funnn- throws up again

Hayden: yeah no I'm taking you home and your gonna shower drink some water and go to bed

They told everyone they were leaving and left to go home

Jules: where are we goingggg

Hayden: home somewhere you need to be

Jules: let's have fun

Hayden: babe you're drunk just sit down and buckle up

Jules: your so mean to me •falls asleep•

Hayden: thank god she was so annoying drunk but I love her

At home

Haydens POV

I took Jules inside and I put her in some comfy clothes then laid her down on the bed. I then took off my clothes and changed into white sweatpants then climbed into bed wrapping my arms around Jules and fell asleep.

The next day

Jules POV

I woke up with it raining outside it was 9:30 am my head was pounding and it was uncomfortable. I went to the bathroom and found a painkiller and got some water and took the painkiller. I then go to my closet and pick out an outfit then get in the shower and wash myself.

Jules outfit:

 She put her hair in a bun and did light makeup

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She put her hair in a bun and did light makeup

Jules POV

I get out of the bathroom and put my shoes on and see Hayden awake:

Jules: good morning babe

Hayden: good morning gorgeous we have work today so your gonna need to be in the front office today

Jules: ugh your lucky your my husband or I would quit right now

Hayden: haha funny babe now get a move on you got important work to do and I need to get ready I got someone to see today

Jules POV

I went over to him and kissed him and his hands went on my ass I move his hands off.

Jules: later not now baby

Hayden: you are making it very hard to not be turned on by you

Jules: and that's why I said later so turn yourself off and getting ready for work mr boss

Hayden: it's hubby to you princess

Jules: yeah yeah I'll see you later

She left and did her work while Hayden got ready. Jules went through a bunch of files and one caught her off guard she was confused.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I tried to make it really long but I try my best if I don't I am getting a new phone in May at the end of May but for now I'm still using my iPad anyway characters for new story coming when I get the chance byeee

Married To My boss -HannieWhere stories live. Discover now