
Start from the beginning

RV had always been known for his rugged charm, his tousled locks adding to his enigmatic allure. But today was different.

As he stepped out of the beauty department stall, heads turned, whispers erupted, and jaws dropped in unison.

His hair —once long and messy— was now expertly styled. Framing his face with precision and elegance. Each strand seemed to have found its perfect place, accentuating his features in a way that seemed almost unreal.

The surroundings of J-High buzzed with admiration as people couldn't help but stare in awe. Some glanced at each other in disbelief, silently questioning if the noriette was even real.

Others openly expressed their amazement, showering him with compliments and praise.

RV was always oblivious to the commotion he had caused, simply flashing a confident smile. Basking in the attention his new look had garnered.

He had transformed from handsome to divine, leaving everyone around him captivated by his newfound aura of sophistication and charm.

"Woah." Kouji stared at the noirette with wide eyes while the other girls from the beauty department had their jaws on the floor.

"You look awesome pops! Super good!" Kouji praised the taller one making Veer let out an appreciative chuckle, "Thanks, darling."

Pulling out his wallet, RV handed Yeon a generous amount of green bills stating his gratitude for the amazing services. Despite Yeon's protest RV's stubbornness won as usual.

Waving his goodbye to the group the noirette gazed around the other areas, "What's next?" Kouji hummed a bit, "My enrollment?" 

Veer glanced down at his tsundere purple berry, "You want to join J-High? What made you decide?" Kouji shyly looked away while muttering in an irritated tone, "The girls were nice and they even gave you a nice haircut."

Tilting his head to the side the noirette let an amused smile grace his rosy lips, "That's Wonderful news."


"Looks like someone enjoyed rubbing their knowledge in the teacher's face." The noirette mused while the technology genius skipped beside him.

Kouji had this irritatingly smug look on his face while they were walking towards their car parked outside before a commotion caught their attention.

"Is that," Kouji squinted his eyes slightly while staring at the four people arguing in the parking lot, "Isn't that the stupid bodyguard cosplayer? What is he and Crystal doing here?"

"Hm?" RV hummed before taking a good look towards the tall man who was dressed in─ wait. . . Isn't that the yellow shirt that belonged to the noirette before it went missing? Did Gun steal it? Or was it a certain loud individual with faux blonde hair?

Narrowing his eyes a bit more RV let out a scoff, "Bloody Thiefs. . ." Opening the car door, the surgeon motioned for his barney kid to get inside while he deals with a certain hothead.

"Excuse me!" RV called out with a fake heavy accent, four heads snapping in his direction. With a timid smile the noirette decided to act like a student as he approached the group, "I was looking for the principal's office. Can any of you guide me?"

The four were stunned by the mesmerizing specimen standing in front of them. Soft ebony locks styled nicely, a mole near his soft looking plump lips, sharp features with enchanting dual shade eyes.

Snapping out of the trance first, Crystal jumped up to the opportunity, "Gun, let's go. That's an order." Clicking his tongue Gun followed behind the Choi girl with an evident reluctance in his steps his eyes trailing back to Rv's figure. 

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