chapter 8

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F: Vilu! Are you okay?

Vio: Yes

Ca: We've been worried, where have you been last night?

Vio: I was... I went home earlier. I was tired

F: Really?

Vio: Eh... yes

Ca: That's wierd because we were at your house today and you weren't there

Vio: I left early, taking a walk in the park

F: Okay try to explain this to your father... he looked angry

Vio: My dad! I will talk to him in the afternoon

-meanwhile by León-

D: León! Where have you been last night? I've searched for you... even your car wasn't there

L: I went home early

D: Okay. I heard that Violetta interrupted you and Lara yesterday

L: Hm... that's true. That nerd always shows up at the wrong time...

-2 hours later-

L: I'll go...

D: Where?

L: You know

D: León, stop with it... it can kill you

L: I don't care. Bye bro

-León left-

Vilu's pov

*I've heard everything... should I follow him? Yes, I will. He went behind the school and took ciggarettes from his pocket... who's there with him? I came closer and recognized Lara. I knew she smokes too. But she's not my problem. I want to help León not her...*

Vio: She's so... ugh!

L: Who's there?

*I said that out loud? Nonono... this can't be true... I'm so stupid! He's coming... what am I gonna do?*

L: Who's- YOU?

La: Honey, who's that?

L: That nerd again

Vio: I'm not a nerd! And I'm here for a reason! Why do you smoke?

L: Well that's none of your business! Now go away!

Vio: But... I want to help you

La: I'm the only girl that can help him! Now go away or I'll tell the whole Studio that you're a slut!

Vio: That's not true!

L: Just go away

*I left with tears in my eyes... I just want to help and he's acting like this... I must find a way... I will find a way...*

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