Part 4: The Cost of Pride

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The context for how the material works: The user will be able to think of different types of matter that will be generated along with being able to use plasma beams.

As he drove home, Michael was less concerned about his health and what else the material could be used for. This curiosity turned to horror as he turned on the TV
News Anchor: Ladies and gentlemen we come to you tonight after our very own Biosmith Industries had an explosion that injured many workers. One of which was Michael Savik whose location has been unknown since his disappearance earlier this evening.
Michael: More people are affected. Does that mean Jim is alive?
News Anchor: Everyone please stay off the streets. 3 robots are killing everyone they see. The police are on their way so please leave the area!
Michael rushed to his phone to try and call Jim
Michael: Pick up, pick up!
Jim: Mike are you seeing this?
Michael: You're alive!
Jim: Somehow. Again are you watching the news right now?
Michael: Yeah. How are the droids being controlled?
Jim: Remember when I told you the material was alive?
Michael: Yeah?
Jim: Turns out the metal has a negative effect.
Michael: That makes no sense!
Jim: And you think three conscious droids do?
Michael: Well how do we stop them?
Jim: Were you in the hospital by any chance?
Michael: Yeah, my drip was blue.
Jim: The material must have gotten into your blood. Did anything else happen?
Michael: All my bones are healed and I made a car!
Jim: Perfect! Looks like we don't need to test on rats now.
Michael: That doesn't matter! What is happening to me?
Jim: You have powers. Correction. We have powers. Look in your backyard.
Michael went outside to see Jim jumping down from the sky and his skin illuminated with trails of smoke following.
Michael: What the?
Jim: You get used to it. Just think what you need and your body will do the rest.
Michael started flying as well.
Michael: So we just have to think and we can do it.
Jim: Pretty much.
Michael: Well let's go get the droids back.
Jim: Put a mask on. If the public knows who we are then we are going to be arrested.
Michael: Fine.
As they did this they went over to the droids and prepared to take them apart.
They flew in and saved the last civilians but ended up getting hit by the droids.  Michael imagined different items but few left even a dent in the droids. During this, Jim was thrown into a wall and was about to be stabbed.
Michael: No!
Michael took out his hands and felt a surge of energy go through his body and blew the head off the droid.
Jim: How did you do that?
Michael: Why are you asking me?
With this new ability, they made short work of the other 2 droids and returned to the lab. Jim reassembled the droids but kept them off.
Jim: Plasma rays. And I thought I knew everything about how to use those powers!
Michael: I'm full of surprises.
Jim: You should stay here and we can run some more tests.
Michael: Do you not remember what happened the last time we did a test?
Jim: Ha. I do suppose we could take the night off. Besides we just saved the city.
Michael: That sounds like a good day. Looks like my Dad was right about getting back at her.
Jim: What do you mean?
Michael: My dad told me the best way to get revenge was to work as hard as possible then once you reap all the benefits, you get to say no to them once they come crawling back.
Jim: So the only reason you wanted to do this project was to get revenge on Lisa?
Michael: Sweet indeed!
Jim: I'm sorry but you mean to tell me that I nearly died so that you could simply brag to your ex about how happy you are!
Michael: Man you are taking it too far! I never wanted you to do that!
Jim: What amazes me is that you said you worked hard when I am the one who did all of this. I'm the one who conducted the experiment, I am the one who nearly died for your fantasy, and I am the one who even taught you how to use the powers!
Michael: Man I'm sorry. I'll make sure you get all the money from this.
Jim: I would agree if it weren't for one thing. If this becomes a revolutionary invention then you are the one the world remembers while I'm just another step on your pedestal!
Michael: Now you are just being crazy.
Michael tried to shake his hand but Jim slapped it away.
Jim: Biodroid, on.
The Biodroids awoke grabbing Mike and throwing him in a containment cell.
Michael: Jim, you can't do this!
Jim: Who says I can't? I sabotaged the invention on purpose, I know how to use every single ounce of that material, Heck if you cared enough then you would know that I'm the one who even found it! I knew you would try to get credit and this is what you deserve! Droids, lock the cell, and make sure he doesn't get out. Jim proceeded to walk away and make a press conference.
Michael: Jim please, Jim, Jim!

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