November 23rd 2023

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It's been a few days since I last posted here and things have stayed relatively the same .. they still haven't left.

I wanted to apologize for the- unpropitious nature of my last post, I feel like I should explain the dumbassery I pulled. I had read some of the comments, and I learned a few things; the first thing I learned is that reddit is not the place to go if you want to be told that everything's going to be okay, it is however, the place to go if you want to be told that the children outside your door are most certainly without a doubt extremely dangerous, and that they may or may not kill you.

The general consensus in the comments was that these kids are not human, but there was a divergence in what exactly they are. Some of you thought they were vampires, which is what prompted the garlic powder altercation of November 17th. Thus the vampire theory has been disproven thanks in part to the garlic powder altercation of November 17th and the realization that vampires can't be in the sun ( I've seen these fuckers in the sun.)

The other theories were: fae, demons, ghosts, and the black eyed kids. After what happened I believe that they are black eyed kids. Although I'm still not sure what to do about it, for the most part I don't know what black eyed kids are. I know you're not supposed to let them in but that's it. In all the stories I've looked into it seems like they just... go away...eventually. These two, however, seem to be staying put. I've ordered a security camera, and some earplugs to tide me over while I find a more permanent solution to this problem.

Winnie is still sitting by the door, so I moved downstairs to stay by her side. I set up a sleeping bag and moved her bed, and food next to the door. As a result she's started eating again. As I write this I'm leaned up against the door next to her. Winnie is sleeping, for the first time in a couple days. There has been a lull in the knocking in the past few hours and now it's silent. Of course they're still out there. I can see their silhouettes in the window. I feel like they're watching me.

I don't know if any of you have ever had a shelter in place or clear the hall drill in school, but being here, this situation- it kind of feels like that. For those of you who don't know; clear the hall drills meant that class continued as normal with the one caveat that you couldn't leave the classroom. There was the phenomenon, every time we had one of these drills without fail everyone spontaneously needed to; use the bathroom, or get water, or see the nurse. we all inexplicably needed to leave as soon as we knew that we couldn't. Because we suddenly felt trapped. That's what this situation feels like.

I didn't get out much before they arrived, I just didn't feel the need to. I used to like being alone. I liked the quietness of the forest. I had created my own private world where I could just be. I felt safe in just existing on my own. I never used to jump at the slightest noise or fear breaching the threshold of my front door. I used to be independent (I'm clinging to the hope that I still am.)

This has been the first time in years that I've seriously asked for help. The first time in years that I've felt I needed it. Thank you for all the responses, some of them have been extremely helpful, some of them helped lighten the mood. Altogether they've helped me feel less alone. I'm going to try to sleep before the knocking begins again. I hope you're all safe.




To the people who told me that I should let them in to "just see what happens"


Just why?

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