F O U R T Y - T W O

Comincia dall'inizio

"Geez," He muttered "Tell me how you really feel baby." 

I raised a brow "Do I need to muzzle you Wolf boy?" 

His eyes heated, that familiar smirk gracing his face making the butterflies go in my stomach go haywire. 

"That really depends on what you plan on using to keep me quiet" His grin turned downright sinful "And I might have some ideas if you're open to it." 

I blushed, freaking blushed at his statement, ignoring his enticingly scandalous words.

"...But underneath all that assholeness is a humble, honest man that not only cares deeply for his Pack but also for those closest to him, regardless of their status within a Pack" I said softly, cupping his cheek "From what you've shared with me, your life hasn't been easy, with you mom dying the way she did, but you've managed to make the the best of it. For not only your brothers but for yourself too."

I took a deep breath, hesitantly leaning forward and kissing the corner of his mouth, my lips trembling softly as they met his unshaven, scruffy face.

"So the answer is no, Atlas" I said softly, pulling back slightly as I looked down at him, only to find him gazing up at me intensely with an unknown look in those amber eyes of his "I'm not scared of you or the others. I honestly think, as fuck up as this sounds, that even if I saw you murder a thousand of those creatures, I still wouldn't be scared of you three." 

 "Fucking A...Little Star" He breathed, muttering something unintelligible under his breath "You...You're going to be the death of me." 

I smiled down at him, about to make a snarky remark when his hand suddenly shot out and cupped the back of my head, pulling lightly on my hair as he guided me close to him. 

"But oh what a way to go..." he murmured, tugging me even close to him until our faces were only an inch away from each other "They might murder me when they find out but fuck it." 

Before I could ask what he meant, his grip tightened on my hair as he reared up and kissed me, twisting in a way that forced me to follow his lead as he reversed our positions. 

He groaned into my mouth, adding more of his delicious weight on top of me as he nudged my legs apart with his as he settled in. 

The kiss...if that's even what you wanted to call it at this point considering it nearly consumed my very existence with how fan-fucking-tastic it was...was not only unexpected but also mind numbing to the point that I'm pretty sure I forgot my own name for a second. 

Atlas shifted slightly, and in my lust-induced haze, my body misinterpreted that as him trying to leave so my legs automatically wrapped around thick waist and subconsciously brought him closer to me. 

He swallowed my whimpers of needed and groans of delight, letting out his own sounds of pleasure as my hands gently tug at his silky, dark hair. 

A COURT OF SHIFTERS AND SECRETSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora