01. Fathers story/The big move.

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I've always known that my father had enemies. He didn't necessarily have to tell me but it was obvious , the way people would send messages to him. For example , breaking into our home , trying to attack him or his right hand man. When i was younger it concerned me , i was young and naive. A lack of awareness as to what was going on around me.

I was quite shy as i was rarely was allowed to be outside , which caused me to not fully develop with the world. When i was able to go out i had to be protected , i had no friends , nobody. I was alone.

I used to nag my dad asking about what he did as a job , why we were able to live life in luxury but he wouldn't tell me. When i had moved onto one of his men , they weren't able to tell me either. Sometimes he would play it off , bullshit me.

"Amore , i told you many times that i work as a security guard for a special man." (my love , love).

As if working for a special man would require built men around him and us almost constantly, as if it would explain how everything was payed for. Sure he would've been able to get money for legitimately working for that job but even then it wouldn't cut it.

I grew up having a constant fear of people who resembled who my dad had worked for and had working around him.

One day i had enough. I went into his study , searching for anyone i could find on my dad until i felt a heavy metal object pressed into my temples. In panic , i slowly turned around to find one of my dad's men , Antonio , holding a gun to my head. Once he realised it was his bosses daughter he retracted but as soon as i went to go to tell my dad , Antonio vanished the next day. Never saw him again.

I'm not sure if my dad , Francesco took me for a complete idiot but i didn't know why he was shielding me from the truth as if it was for my own benefit. I knew how the world worked. The kinds of people that lurked and took advantage , dangerous , sexist , caring and sweet people. All kinds were in this world and nobody could do anything about it but survive.

I don't know why i sound so dramatic.

I knew that papá wasn't a good person. Although he was the only parent i truly grew up with. Mamá ran away. Gave up on us when i was ten. 9 years ago. She didn't give us a heads up nor did she give us an explanation which left my papá heartbroken but the way he went about it made me wonder , he didn't try to look for her , didn't try and contact her. They were the perfect couple. At times it did piss me off.

"Papá why don't you ever go looking for mum!?" i shouted in his face.

I was growing annoyed and nobody was doing anything about it. Acting like nothing ever happened and moved on with their lives.

"Bella i would anything more than this earth to get her back but i can't. I have too much work and i know the chances of her coming back are slim to none." he tried his best to keep his cool but i could tell i was going to make him lose his temper with the was his jaw would twitch and he would tense up.

"Forget the chances of her coming back! look for her yourself , do something. You're useless!" i raised my voice at him and that seemed to do it.

The next this you know he's gripping at my wrist more tight than ever , his face in close proximity to mine that i shut my eyes not wanting to experience it.

"Cazzo Bella. Don't fucking talk to me that way.Why for once can you not let things go! If you knew what's best for you , you would stop." (fuck). He retorted back.

If i knew what was best for me? Was he joking?

(Another fact was that i understood italian to a certain extent but i rarely spoke it.)

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