04: Kortac's Kink

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By the time we arrived back at my Texas base, I felt my body vibrate with anticipation, but I also couldn't help but want to pull my hair out and die.

I needed to shut myself in, rebuild my stamina for bullshit regroup with my safety net, and go forth with chaos. I want to become nothing mask nothing be nothing, for a moment I am absolutely free to be me.

But I can't. 

Apparently, Russia wanted to reinsert itself into this investigation, so they were sending three more contractors to join us. I look around and see a group of marines around some men. I look over at Soap, "You think those are the contractors?"

"I heard there from Kortac too," Soap grumbles. He could barely stand the Colonel, but two more? God help him. I walk closer hoping to see Charlie in the group. He was there next to a few fresh faces.

By the time I got to the group, I saw the operators. I couldn't help but gasp. I push my way forward, "What is the deal?" I say loudly. "Does Kortac have a kink for mask men?" All four men turned to me, König and the gimp-looking man stared at me coldly. Horangi and the other— I couldn't read their expression looked at me.

I looked at the other, the green guy was also Austrian. "Another one!" I gasp and turn from König to this new guy, a stupid smile crossing my lips.

"Maus don't—"

"I get an Australian man too!"

"I'm Austrian—"

"Why does he get called man and I get called boy?" 

Both Austrians spoke at the same time. I blink rapidly trying to decipher their words. I open my mouth, "One you're a big boy, two, no you're not. You're Australian." I correct both of them.

"So American reputation is true, Americans are stupid." The new guy spoke up. I study him with no reaction... Are all Austrian cocky or is it just the military that makes them Cocky?

"I wish I was stupid, at least I couldn't be here talking to you," I retort laughing.

"Flaca," I hear Charlie's whizzing voice, "Please stop~" He gasps for air, doubling over and holding his side. I look over to see an amused Audrey and Zuri.

"Lance Corporal (L/n)," I froze and turned to see a guy I didn't know. "Leuitenent Washington order your appearance." 

"Fuck!" I sigh and rush off. 

As I ran off I made sure my uniform was organized, knowing Arabella had something to nitpick. I knocked on her office door and heard a stern. "Come in."

"Ma'am, Lance Corporal (Y/N) reporting as ordered." Though she is my former Luitenent and current friend, she still scared the shit out of me. Her C3 hair was pulled back into a tight bun, she was giving principal Trunchbull.

"At ease, (L/N)." I was not at ease. Arabella normally let me do my shit in peace, because I further the discipline of my fellow recruits.  

"I've reviewed your service record, (L/n)—"


Not another promotion!

Fuck me!

"Do I have to accept it?" I blurt out. Arabella sighs and a cold smirk crosses her lips.

"Well, I was thinking of pulling you back from the task force, there are other more... mature and experienced people who deserve that position to grow—"

"I accept," I sigh.

"Good. Corporal."

I left the room and cried out in pain.

I grabbed onto Roach and cried into his shoulder. Everyone turned to me in confusion, except for Charlie and Zuri.

"Promotion again?" Zuri asked with an amused smile. I nod, Roach awkwardly pats me on the shoulder. 

"Again?" Gaz worded.

"(Y/n) Doesn't really like being promoted, she refused the last two attempts," Zuri explain. Everyone just blankly stared at me, "So... did Arabella force your hand?"

"Yeah... that bi—" I stop myself. It's best not to call your superior a bitch in front of everyone who could call you out.

"Isn't Price you're superior now?" König asks.

"Yeah, but I'm still enlisted in the US Marines." I groan rolling around in Roach's arms.

"Why do you refuse?" I look over at König who's sitting next to the other Austrian guy.

"I don't want to be in charge of other people," I say seriously.

I can't be responsible for others... I just can't.

Not again.

"It's not that bad—"

"It is." I look at him, "I know what it's like to be in charge of people, and the fact that their death is on your hands." I say seriously. Zuri's smile fades and she nods.

"Out of everyone, you know."

"Really?" Price asks.

Both me and Zuri turn to him. The smile and drama of this morning fade into the exhaustion of the afternoon... I need an afternoon nap. I think from our expression he understood.

"It's not the same as a game Maus," König explains.

"I know." I tell him and smack him on the head, "I'm talking about real people, German boy." He smacks my hand away.

"We're Austrian," The green guy spoke up.

"Don't care." I wave my hand.

"What's your name anyway?"

"That's Krueger," Zuri points to the other Austrian, "And this is Nikto." I look at the gimp-looking man.

"Русский?" His cold blue eyes looked at me wearily but he finally spoke.


"Cool." I look away at Charlie.

'He looks like a Gimp.' Charlie spat out his drink and I felt Roach suppress his shrill shriek.

'Be polite.'

'I am that's why I signed it.' Charlie shook his head but still had his amused smile.

"So... We get to see in being promoted." Soap kicks me under the table, I turn to see him giving me a smirk.

"Don't bother showing up—"

"Oh c'mon kid," Graves smile, "It be great—"

"I don't need a bunch of old men watching me get promoted!" I didn't expect everyone to laugh and soon the teasing grew.

"Aw, are you shy?" Gaz asks.

"Is our poor little baby scared?" Zuri asks. "Literally you two join before me, yet I already outrank you—OW!" I kicked  Zuri hard under the table.

"Roach I'm being bullied." I turn around and cry into Roach's shoulder dramatically.

"Don't use Roach as an excuse."

"Why not?" I turn around to Charlie, "he's so babygirl." I look up to see a confused yet placid smile on Roach's face, there was not a single thought in that brain of his.

He's a smooth brain babygirl.

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