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Blaring from my alarm causes me to sit up straight. I press snooze to allow myself some time to think about yesterday. I let out a yawn before rolling over to get up.

Taking off my dress that's still wet from last night, I turn the shower up to a scalding hot heat and get in. I wash the makeup left on my face from last night.

When I get out I look at myself in the mirror. Deep bags hang below my tired eyes. I go downstairs into the kitchen to get some ice. After leaving the ice under my eyes for a few minutes, I throw the rest in the sink, leaving it to melt.

I put on a pair of low waist flared jeans and a hoodie that clings tightly to my body, showing off a bit of skin on my lower stomach. No matter how tired I am I've still got to look good. I can't be bothered to put a lot of makeup on so I put eyeliner on my waterline and mascara.


I can't focus in my classes and end up asking Céline for the notes. She's always been the smart one of us three.

The anxiety plaguing my mums face yesterday clung to the back of my mind the whole day. All I want is for tomorrow to come quicker.

My last class comes to an end and I can feel my eyelids behind to droop. I turn my head to the golden sunlight streaming into the room through the tall windows giving everything a surreal vibe. My head feels fuzzy and I can't put a single thought together.

When the lesson comes to an end a gather up all my things grateful it is finally over. I head home quickly to get ready for dinner with my parents.

I pick out a black, ankle length off the shoulder black dress. It hugs my body in all the right places. The supple fabric feels cool against my smooth skin.

I pick up my shoes from last night. I look at them for a second before picking up a different pair of plain black heels. Big silver hoops dangle from my ears and stacks of bracelets decorate my arms.

My parents are at the entrance ready to leave. "Ariella, we're going to wait in the car for you. Don't take too long" my mum calls up the stairs.

Quickly I search around in my bedside table for a blunt. Desperately I push things around hoping I still had some left. Eventually I was able to find one and I hurried out onto my balcony.

I lit it quickly and inhaled a deep puff to ease my anxiety. I let out a cloud of smoke and look up into the starry sky, the cool wind whipping my hair around madly.

My phone pings and lights up revealing a text from my dad telling me to hurry up. Inhaling one last big puff, I put the blunt out and rush downstairs.

I enter the sleek black car worried that my parents can smell the weed on me. I hate that feeling when I know they know but just won't say anything.

After a few minutes of silence I decide that they aren't going to ask questions so I begin to relax. I let the calm wash over my senses and I almost feel like I'm about to fall asleep. The soft leather of the seats pulls me in, almost like it's adapting to my body shape.

My car halts and I know we've arrived. Reluctantly, I sleep out the car, struggling with my heels on. I breathe the crisp air deep into my lungs, relaxing my tense body.

Inside the restaurant were dimly lit light giving off a moody atmosphere. Sparkling crystal hanging from the chandeliers refracted the glittering light causing rainbows to appear in various places around the vast room.

After waiting for a minute, we were shown to our table. I sat down on the plush chair and kept my head hung low. Not wanting to look at my parents, I stared at the smooth, white table cloth covering the wooden table.

The waiter came over and we ordered our food. I knew my parents wanted to say something but were holding back. I glance up at them and see slight anxiety hidden underneath their happy facade.

Eventually our food arrived at we ate in a tense silence. After what felt like an eternity later, my father cleared his throat.

"Ariella, today me and your mother took you out to tell you something very important" he says looking everywhere but my eyes.

"So... what is it" I ask wanting to get it over with.

"You know me and your mother have always been protective of you, since you were young, but we need to tell you something. Our business has gone bankrupt and we have no way of paying back the money" my father continued looking ashamed.

"What... why wouldn't you tell me. If you did I could've done something to help. I-I could umm" I trail off not sure as to what I could do.

"That's the thing sweetie, you could help" my mum says.

"What, how?" I ask.

"We have an arrangement with a very rich Greek family that live in America. We want you to get married to their son."

"What! You want me to get married? I'm only twenty one. I haven't even had a chance to find my soulmate and you want me to get married?" I shout standing up.

I realise that I'm causing a scene and people are staring at me so I clear my throat and sit down.

I continue "how can you marry me off without even talking to me. What is wrong with you guys."

"We wanted to tell you, but we didn't know how" my mum tells me apologetically.

"You didn't know how" I scoff repeating her words.

With that I grab my bag and storm out into the cold night without looking back.

I wonder around through the darkness until I find a park with benches lined up across the pathway going through the middle.

My faces flushed with embarrassment when I remember the scene that I've caused.

I grab a cigarette out my bag and place it between my lips before lighting it. I blow out the smoke into the gust air. I watch as it rapidly disappears from my view and I sigh.

What should I do? Do I get married off to a random man to save my family?

You never know though, he might be good looking my inner conscience tells me.

No, don't think like that he's probably got I receding hairline, I think to myself shaking my head.

Will I be allowed to be with other guys while we're married. Wait he shouldn't allow me to do anything. I can fuck whoever i want. Can I? Will I have to move to America and leave my life behind?

I get up and stumble to the main road feeling dizzy. I find a taxi and hop in. Even though I don't want to go home, I don't have much of a choice. Dread build up in my body the longer the journey lasts. I hope I get home before my parents do.

When I get home I'm relived to see no other cars parked in the driveway. I hurry to the kitchen and look in the alcohol cupboard. I grab a bottle of vodka and shamefully rush to my room.

I take a massive swig and continue this every now and then till I can't remember how much I've drank. I laugh to no one and it bounces around the walls of the empty house.

Am I really drinking over some guy? This is embarrassing for me. The creaking of the front door opening draws my attention. Slow, gentle footsteps echo up the stairs growing louder as they approach my room.

I turn the light off and hide the bottle before hiding under the thick layer of my duvet. My door opens and light from the hallway begins streaming in. I pull the covers further over my head carefully as to not attract attention.

"She must be sleeping" I recognise my mums voice probably speaking to my dad.

The door closes and the sound of footsteps fade away. Tears begin to brim in my eyes. I let them continue falling until they can't anymore. My sore eyes close and I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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