Aklan eventually led Rin to a metallic door near the end of the hallway, likely for maintenance of some sort. Aklan slowly pulled it open, which had to creak in response before shutting it behind them, enveloping the two in complete darkness. "Good," He said-with enough relief in his voice to make Rin wonder whether this technique was as surefire as he claimed. "The toughest part's done. Doing alright?"

Rin nodded.

"Then let's keep moving." Aklan let out his spirit, filling the room with light. It was incredibly narrow, packed full with massive pipes trailing throughout the place like a maze. Then the scent started to settle in.

Rin pulled up his shirt to cover his nose. "What is this place?"

Aklan laughed, much louder than he would have dared a minute or two earlier. "As bad as cleaning bathrooms are, you gotta admit it's a blessing we don't need to take care of all that shit as well."

"We're getting out through sewer pipes?"

Aklan just shrugged. "Look, I promised you I'd get you into the city. Never said the journey would be fun." He trekked down the left hallway before crawling under another set of metal pipes, and into a small corner. "Thankfully, the one we'll be using has been out of commission for decades." He pried away at a loose plate of metal before revealing the entrance to a massive rusted pipe. "This will take a toll on your knees. Get ready."

Rin waited for him to lead the way, before focusing on his spirit standing just between them. "...What is that?"

Aklan gave him a quizzical glance before letting out a groan loud enough to give them both away. "A damn monkey. And don't pick on me for it-I know where you sleep."

Rin crawled in just behind Aklan. The metal was rugged-possibly rusted enough to cut skin if they weren't careful. The smell wasn't quite as bad as it was before, but still nothing he would miss.

Rin's hands and knees were both crying in pain as they finally made it to what felt like the end. Aklan repositioned himself, kicking off whatever was blocking their exit. Rin climbed out of the pipe soon after, stepping into what looked like a trash dump.

"Wasn't that fun?" Aklan wiped off his hands on his pants. He motioned to the cobblestone streets before them. "Come on, we're not too far from Wilbur's family." Rin buttoned up his old red jacket as he followed Aklan down the streets. The city was beautiful in nighttime-lamps bathed almost every building in a golden light. "So tell me about your plan: how do you think you'll be able to turn the corrupted back?"

Here we go. "So, you know how some people believe the first seven pioneers were real? If I remember correctly, there were a couple of stories from that time that spoke of evil being driven out of their enemies."

"Alright, but we've tried that before. We know nothing works."

Rin shrugged. "I don't know, maybe controlling aibal will give us new opportunities."

They walked in silence for a moment. "...Back when you revealed your ability to us, it sounded like you had someone in mind for saving. Got a childhood hero you want to bring back?"

"My sister. She turns seventeen next week."

"Oh. Sorry for asking. Good luck on your goals-I mean it-but maybe you shouldn't be messing around with aibal if you don't need to."

"Why not?"

"Maybe there are consequences to it. Who knows?" Aklan rubbed his head. "Sure, we got carried away with that little ball of it yesterday, but maybe you shouldn't make a habit out of playing with that stuff."

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