Chapter Four

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"You shouldn'ta lied to him like that." Brutus mumbled as he lazily turned the ship's wheel. Reaching port by morning might even be a little optimistic-the gusts out here are even more scarce than they were hoping for. "Everyone knows the spirits in those things have already moved on."

"I need him to focus on his training. He'll come to terms with his sister's death once the time comes."

"And what were you two talking about over there? Sounded like you were calling the boy corrupted."

Magnus ran a hand through his hair. "He has some peculiar abilities, that's for sure." He forced down a rising sense of panic. What if this had all been a mistake? Even labia can behave strangely at times. Aside from that single incident two nights back, there truly was no evidence the boy even had a hint of magic in him. What would his excuse be-when he tears a boy from his hometown off a gamble that seems less and less likely by the minute? "But this might be a fool's hope."

Brutus shook his head. "Better not be. Or you'd be having me ferry you across the sea four times for nothing."

"I'll tip extra if that does turn out to be the case."

Brutus glanced back towards the shore, which they've been sailing parallel to. "Didn't want to do this, but I think I still have some energy left in me." He furrowed his brow as he locked on to the sails above. Streaks of light flew out from his body, forming the frame of a massive seagull beside him. It flapped it's wings at the sails, a mix of strain and determination written across both their faces. The fabric immediately responded to its new fuel, the mast even let out creaks at the sudden strain. After some time, Brutus finally collapsed back into his chair, panting hard enough to keep the sails going for another minute or so.

Magnus grinned. " I can't believe you never told me you were gifted."

Brutus waved him off. "You knew, didn't ya?"

"I've certainly had my suspicions. Maybe you should talk to Rin before he leaves. I'm sure he could use the extra advice."

"For channeling his spirit?" He looked down at the boy. "If he hasn't gotten around to doing that now, I don't think he ever will."

Magnus rose from his seat, stretching. "I'm off to bed. Wake me before we reach port."

Sailing was never something Magnus held too much fascination over. There is very little-if anything-to do while on board, and he's gotten seasick more than enough times to justify never stepping foot onto another boat. But the sunrises over the sea are something else. The water reflected the light perfectly, helping to warm him up after the chilling night. Magnus was already up before Brutus came down to wake him.

Rin stirred, but didn't get up as Magnus walked up the small set of stairs to Brutus' deck. "Morning."

He nodded in return. "We're touching land in about twenty minutes. Could use for some breakfast when we stop."

"I'll wake Rin. You can eat with us, if you'd like." Magnus grinned. "I could probably spare an apple or two in my pack."

Brutus just stared back at him before motioning him to sit on the bench beside him. He leaned in. "A young man like yourself really ought to settle down. I don't know what's got you so riled up about this boy, but maybe this ain't something worth pouring your time into."

"Young? I'm well into my thirties, Brutus. And trust me, this isn't exactly the time to start 'settling down'. Rin has something special."

"You don't treat that boy as just an apprentice, I can tell. You need to move on, unless you wan'ta end up like me in a couple decades. Find someone new."

Magnus sighed, standing up. He had this conversation with Brutus before. "I guess you don't understand. Not moving on is the very point of a marriage-a commitment neither side can break."

"She's gone. You're not doing the world any favors. It's your choice, but you never shut up about how much you wanted kids when you were younger."

"Circumstances change; sometimes our goals have to change with them. There's nothing we can do to stop that." But being both a decorated soldier and powerful labia wielder would increase the pressure of raising children triple-fold. The potential for mages like him are vital to Evendal's growth. "My calling always was towards fighting. Now I won't have to cut out eighteen years of my life working towards something else."

Brutus adjusted the ship's wheel. "If you say so. 'Least put thought in to finding a partner."

"Don't hold your breath." Magnus threw on his jacket before walking over to Rin. He was still half-asleep as Magnus nudged him awake. "We're almost at port. It's best we set out as soon as possible." He just let out a groan in response.

Magnus hopped onto the dock, tying down the ship as Brutus fiddled with the sails. The soldier hesitated before looking over at Rin. "Any advice?"

Rin hopped off the ship-almost slipping-before helping Magnus to fasten it securely. "How long do you think it will be before we reach Evendal's capital?"

"I'd say two days. I've prepared two horses for the journey, they're not as fun as you think, but they'll save our energy."

A flurry of emotions flashed behind Rin's eyes. "So we'll be..."

"Practicing with labia. Hell, maybe even aibal if you can find out how. I'd imagine the majority of your growth would take place in Karlysia, but it would be nice to embarrass yourself as little as possible once we arrive."

Rin nodded. Once he was finished with the knot, his gaze landed on the city laid out before them. It was three times the size of Rin's hometown, each of the buildings stretching up two stories high of cobblestone and plaster.

"Not used to such a change of scenery?"

"No...I've been here once or twice before, when helping to export some of our catches. I never got to see much of anything past the docks."

Magnus grinned. "Knock yourself out. I'll be by the stables near the far side of town. It'll take a moment to get our rides ready."

Rin nodded in thanks before he took off. Brutus shook his head as he heaved himself up onto the docks. "Y'know the kid probably brought his life savings along. The poor thing will waste it all here before he can stop himself."

"Perhaps. But he could use the break, given all the stress he's been under. And thanks for the ride. It's been fun." The two waved goodbye as Magnus headed into town.

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