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"Did you get it?" Jill turned his torso away from the city view. It blinded him of golden lights. There was some sort of relief he felt when he was this high. He was detached from the chaos of the world and could only sense it. Watching the piles of fast walking bodies in a rush to get from one place to another. Maybe in fear they'll be late or miss something important. Jill on the other hand had escaped from being pushed around by the world, at least when he was this high from the ground. Up here, he was free.

Millie lifted the six pack of beer in her right hand. Her face smiled of youth as she approached Jill. "I was indeed successful." She squatted down to his level and hung her feet off the building, one foot after the other.

Jill took the beers from her hand and began breaking two cans from the pack. "You didn't need to get the pack, you know?"

A cocky smile stretched across Millie's lips at her reward for looking older than she really was.

However, Jill believed she was only able to purchase the illegal beverages because the cashier found her hot, not because of her unknown age. He always seemed well aware of her youthful skin and baby cheeks. It spiraled the acid in Jill's stomach that filled with such jealousy.

"Why get two when I know I can get more?" Millie cracked open her lid Jill put beside her. Her cheeks slightly stained with a peach like color, brighter than when she left.

"Because it'll get you out of there quicker."

Millie watched his expression harden before Jill suddenly looked away embarrassed. He never wanted to come off as the jealous type despite Millie secretly finding that side of him attractive. It made her feel wanted, that no matter how many guys approached her for her appearance there's always someone who's attracted to her for who she was. She couldn't deny that the attention she got from any guy made her giddy but Jill made her feel different than all of them.

She leaned her weight on her arm to slowly lean into Jill's space. Her hair brushed the side of his curls the closer she got. When Jill felt her heated aura, he began to grow red. " Is Jill Jacobs, my boyfriend, jealous of a thirty something year old who works at a liquor store staring at young girls because he gets none?"

"Millie." He said her name in a tone, it drizzled with annoyance and tease.

She continued, slowly gazing down at his face. "Because that would mean you think so low of my standards." Millie used to be a tease to everyone, especially Jill. He was so easy to play with. Millie had him wrapped around her finger and he wasn't going to let go anytime soon. She'd tease him of his red blush and the low register of his voice when he called out her name in warning, but Jill loved that about Millie. She was fun and playful, full of spontaneous energy you never knew what she was going to do next. She had this enthusiasm Jill could never keep up with but that's exactly why he needed a girl like her in his life. 

Jill had always planned his life. He was strict with the words he wrote about his future in his journal, how successful he'll become and how known his last name will be. He doesn't exactly know what yet, but he feels something approaching-something big. Millie gave him a vacation from all his restrictions. A walking reminder that you're only this young once. Jill however, couldn't help but think Millie's a fraud. She's only able to live this freely because her parents can afford whatever future she wants. Jill's future is up to his working hands.

The beer stung Jill's tongue as he looked away from Millie's playful eyes. He looked back at the crowded town. "Come on Mill, just say it."

"Say what?" She softly spoke. Her eyes watched the muscle of his temple vibrate down to his jaw. Millie could tell the enjoyment in her teasing was becoming one sided.

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