chapter two

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    "You know this isn't the end. There's other Publishing companies." Luna said to Serena who laid her head down on the desk. "This was just the first one."

  Neville followed by Dean walked into the book shop and Neville sighed at the sight of Luna trying to console her friend. "She still upset?"

  Luna nodded. "I can't seem to get her out of it."

  Dean then walked up to the sulking girl. "Hey, Serena, you know that this just means a bigger company will take you, right?" He rolled his eyes when he didn't get a reaction. "We have Belladonna in at the shop!" He said in a sing song voice.

  Serena popped her head up and eyed him. "Is it in a cage?"

  Dean nodded. "Locked up tight."

Serena smiled. "Can I go see it?"

Neville chuckled. "There she is!"

"Of course you can go see it."

"You know you have Mrs. Norbirt's order to deliver." Mr. Lovegood said, walking to the group making Serena glare at her.

  "Fine." Serena said, as she picked up her bag and the package for the old woman.

  "Make sure to bring her a catalog." He told her, handing her the roll of parchment. "She will absolutely die at the new Doris Quinbee collection." Mr. Lovegood chuckled.

  "Isn't she like a 1000 years old?" Dean asked. "I'm surprised she can still read."

   Serena slapped him. "She's not that old!" She said glaring at him while he glared back holding his arm. "Well make sure nobody buys that belladonna before I get back."

  "Alright, have fun wirh the old lady." Dean said earning a glare from Serena.

  Serena walked out of Lovegood's and made her way down the strip, passing the various shops. She waved to George Weasley who was sweeping the front of his job. "Morning, Serena."

  "Morning, Georgie! How's Angie and the baby?" She asked him.

  "Growing like a weed. She hardly sleeps now." He told her, chucking. "He should be here by May.  Hey, your brothers haven't been in the Shop recently."

  "Well it's late winter so my dad took them to see their family in the mountains."

  "Well tell them I got a new shipment of stink bombs in."

  Serena chuckled. "I'll tell them. Their mother is going to love that." George laughed and Serena went back to her journey to the old lady's flat.

  Mrs. Norbirt was a little old lady who lived in a small one bedroom around the corner from Gringotts Bank and a little ways down from the Laughing Spoon, a small little Cafe Serena and Luna frequent. It was a small, homey feeling flat decorated with wind chimes. How Mrs. Norbirt slept Serena had no clue. She walked up to the door and knocked loud enough to hear over the chimes. The old lady opened the door and with a friendly smile said, "Good afternoon, Dearie! Come in! Come in!"

  Mrs. Norbirt let Serena into her small home and lead her to one of the arm chairs that occupied a very large black cat. "But the books on the table, love, and have a seat and I'll get you a cup of tea.  Loki move! Let the girl sit!" The cat gave out a very deep meow and jumped off the seat, only to jump back on the chair and sit on the head of the chair above Serenas head.

  "Thank you, Ma'am." Serena said to the woman politely.

  The woman came back and handed her a cup and said, "So how are things?"

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