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      Draco found her on one of the large balconies her families Manor had. She rested her arms on the railing, the wind running through her long black hair, which was in a half up style for the wedding, and she was still in that white wedding gown. He walked up to her and leaned his back against the railing, causing her to glance at him.

  "Sorry, I needed a breather." She told him, slightly swirling the glass of wine she had. "I couldn't handle hearing another one of my nosey aunts lecture me on the importance of the submission of the wife."
   Draco rolled his eyes. "If I remember you correctly in school, you weren't much for submitting to authority."

  She turned over so her back was leaning against the rail. "Professor Flitwick would agree with that." She told him, chuckling.

  "You look tired." He told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Jeez. Thanks." She said sarcastically.

  Draco rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't mean it like that. The guests are ready to see us off."

  "Oh, okay." She said as Draco held out his arm for her to take. "Lead the way, Husband." She took his arm.

  He walked her back inside and heard the guest cheering for the new happy couple. They walked in the middle of the two rows the guest had made to see them off. Serena smiled over to her best friend, Luna, Neville, and Luna's dad. Dean and Seamus were whistling, and Draco rolled his eyes and smirked at his friends Blaise and Goyle, who were agitating whistling and hooting. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy wished the couple well and Mrs. Malfoy gave them both a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. Draco then led Serena to a carriage and opened the door for her, helping her inside the carriage then getting in himself when he saw she was alright and shutting door, letting the carriage take them back to Malfoy Manor and to a new life.

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