Chapter 6

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"What do you mean you're not coming home tonight?" Violet chokes out through the phone.
As soon as I spotted Jason on the rooftop I rushed Damian and I back to the hotel, informing the receptionist I will be extending my stay for at least another three weeks and I'll inform her if things change. I told Damian to go shower while I call my family, not wanting him to hear how freaked out I am.
"Vi, I saw him. Something isn't right with this world's timeline, he shouldn't have resurrected this soon. He was supposed to be dead for at least a minimum of six months with the maximum being four years, not after three fucking days!"
"Well you said each world is different, what if that's the case here? Wasn't there one world where Jason was dead for seventeen years? And another where he was a ginger along with a few where he was blonde?"
"I mean, yes, but...I would have never thought there would be a world where he was only dead for three days."
"You can't predict everything, Nev, your powers have limits, especially this one."
She's right, my ability to see outcomes across the multiverse has one annoying limitation. I can't see the outcomes of my own world after the turning point has been put in motion. That means I saw everything leading up to Jason's death, but now that it's been fulfilled I can't see his future until after he reaches the peak memorable moment in his life. At that point his life will start to stabilize, falling into a pattern that will be his definition of normal.
Not that I'll be alive to see that point.
"Was there any other sign that produced itself to you that gave you warning that things this time around were gonna be different?"
I review through everything that's happened since I came to Gotham. The biggest one being that Jason died in December when he was supposed to die in April.
Joker being murdered by Batman, not a common outcome but in some worlds it occurred. Dick Grayson showing up for his funeral was a very usual event, despite the fact that the Dick Grayson of this world isn't very fond of his younger adopted brother. Bruce telling the public his second adopted son died overseas on a trip was also regular, making it an easy cover considering he wasn't as public with Jason as he was with Dick.
Wait a second...
The anti-fear toxin!
"There was one and isn't a very typical outcome."
"Why does it sound like things just got twice as complicated?"
"Because they did, Jason is someone's marionette and there is only one person who is the culprit since Joker is dead and Ra's Al Ghul isn't looking to start a war with Batman yet."
It's a little weird how these events are playing out since this partnership only really exists in the worlds where Jason becomes the Arkham Knight. Arkham Knight Jason is physically much more terrifying however is much more careless compared to Red Hood Jason. That version of Jason was extremely unstable and blamed Bruce for his death along with accusing him of replacing him with Tim Drake.
Even though he was a great leader, his ethics and schemes were messy. Red Hood isn't like that, more clever and plans much more accordingly. Red Hood by himself is dangerous, easily taking out criminals left and right without issue. But Arkham Knight, well he didn't work alone and was mainly being manipulated due to his fragile state after coming out of the Pit.
"Jason's being manipulated by Scarecrow."
I hear Vi gasp as I've told her how the effects of the Lazarus Pit mess with the mind.
"But that means-"
"Yeah, Jason's about to kill a lot of innocent people."
In a matter of two days since that phone call things have escalated exponentially. Multiple people have already died and the Titans have come to Gotham, setting up camp in Wayne manor. I never thought I'd live in one of the few worlds where Red Hood kills innocent civilians and holds kids hostage, an anti hero who has always lived by the moral of protecting the innocent, especially women and children.
I've been keeping low so as to not run into Red, knowing he saw me burn that building. Damian and I only go out throughout the day, not doing any night patrols as there are now too many eyes around the city. My job is to train and protect Damian, I can't risk word getting around that a Claw member is around with a kid.
It would be even worse if they found out that the kid was heir to the League of Assassins.
Today I decided that if we are going to do some serious training, then it's best we get to a deserted area. To say Damian was pleased with the plan would be an understatement, but he's always trying to act tough and heartless.
That's how we ended up at Gotham City gym, which was closed down a month ago by the Board of Health. I'm in a pair of black leggings and a black hoodie with a t-shirt underneath while Damian is in basic training gear. At first his grandfather and mother wanted him to train without it so he could get used to pain, build up rough skin to ensure he wouldn't back down without a fight.
Yeah, that changed really quickly.
After our first session together it was mandatory for him to wear gear, not having expected for me to almost kill him because they told me not to hold back. They also told me to dial it back, needing Damian alive and not six feet under. What they don't know is that during that session I could tell they were undermining my skills, so in turn I used a little over a half of my strength which they still believe is full force.
I played it off like I was just following instructions, hiding the fact that I purposely hurt Damian to prove a point. I hate hurting him but I had to, I can't have them thinking I'm someone they can mess with. The plan was to heal him after but they just decided to let him harbor the injuries, never giving me a chance to heal him in secret because of their hovering.
"Damn it!" Damian shouts as I pin him again with my foot on his chest.
"What did I tell you about letting your ego control your performance?"
"That it's a one way ticket into an early grave."
"Exactly, so stop acting so arrogant as if you're untouchable because you aren't. Yes, for a boy your age you are skilled but you have a long way to go till you are ready to take over the league. Also, you aren't the best and hate to break to you, neither is the league, because there is always someone better."
He huffs as I help him up, slightly pouting as I lecture him.
"Let's run it again."
We get into fighting positions and I swing at him. He blocks and goes to punch my side, but I'm quick to deflect it. This continues, punches and kicks aimed at each other as we battle for a solid ten minutes. He goes to roundhouse kick me but I drop and kick out my leg, sweeping his leg out and watching him fall to the ground.
"Nice try."
"Ugh!" He grumbles.
"You'll get better with time, just remember I'm your mentor so I'm supposed to be able to knock you on your ass."
"I know."
I chuckle and once again help him to his feet, handing him his water while grabbing my own.
"Let's call it a day, we've been training for hours."
He nods and we begin packing up our equipment, making sure the katanas are sheathed and the bow staffs are packed away neatly. Once all is put away I open a portal to a little pocket dimension for us to put the stuff in so we don't walk around with them.
Right as we are about to leave there is a slam of the door opening. I put my finger to my mouth to tell Damian to be quiet as I go investigate. He argues at first but I remind him I can handle myself and that it's my job to protect him. Telling him to stay put I round the corner and climb up onto one of the ceiling beams, balancing as I walk along them. As I find myself above the pool area I notice a familiar leather jacket.
Jason is hidden out of sight, lying in wait for someone, with his helmet off. He seems tense, as if he knows what he's been doing is wrong. Then I watch him take an inhaler of some sort, puffing in its contents like a lunatic. There is no mistaking that substance, not with how his body relaxes.
That's anti-fear toxin.
And Jason's addicted.
I know what's happened to him, how everyone in the tower treated him and how he was tortured. Even when he returned to Gotham all he could see was his life flashing before his eyes as he fell from that building. The wounds Slade and his bitch daughter created are still fresh, preventing him from beginning his healing process. But the wounds his former "teammates" left are hurting him more.
They blamed Jason for everything and accused him of shit that would have been impossible for him to have done. Things got so bad he almost killed himself and referred to himself as a poison that needed to be taken out. None of them gave him a fair chance when all he wanted was to be accepted, to know that he's enough just the way he is.
Then the voice starts to comment.
"Your anger is rising, at this rate your demon will surge forward and you'll give away your position."
Fuck off, I know what I'm doing. It's not like when I was younger and you know it, I can control it.
"Please, it's not a matter of your control rather than your want. I know you want to, let your demon side kill every single person who hurt your precious little soulmate."
Whether that's true or not I won't. Deep down underneath all that rage he's feeling I know he wouldn't want them dead, at least not all of them. Also, I can not interfere with his destiny.
"But his destiny has already been fulfilled, meaning that until he reaches his peak point you can."
I'm tired of you, get out of my head.
"You can't outrun me, I am your destiny."
That's the thing, I'm not running. But I still have time and I'd rather spend it without having to hear your voice, so shut it.
"Fight me as much as you want, nothing will change. Your future is set in stone and no one can save you, dear daughter."
You'll get what you want so leave me be, you poor excuse of a sperm donor.
With that I block him off, returning my focus back on Jason when another figure appears right at the edge of the pool. He's tall and muscular, his hair extremely short like if it was buzzed and left to grow out over a month or so. He seems annoyed as he speaks into a phone and then I notice how Jason has his phone to his ear.
Oh god, it's Hank!
He starts removing his clothes and dives into the disgusting water, swimming to the other side and hopping out to sit on the edge. Jason jumps out silently and heads for Hank, a suspicious object in his hand. He catches him off guard and inserts the object into Hank's chest, a shrill of pain escaping him. As Hank glances up at the ceiling our eyes meet and I get a good look at the attachment.
That's a bomb!
I knew out of all the Titans Hank and Jason had the worst relationship. Hank always belittled him and was the first to accuse him of shit, threatening to kill Jason at every opportunity that presented itself. It obviously bothered Jason and he grew to hate him, but I never would have thought that he would do something like this.
At this point it's time to get the hell out of here before Jason spots me. I rush back to Damian and hastily tell him we need to leave immediately, opening a portal and running into it with him in my hold. When we come out the other side into an empty alleyway near the hotel I close it, collecting myself as I need to remain calm and put together in Damian's presence.
"Beloved, what did you see?"
"Damian, listen to me carefully. I need you to get back into my hotel and not come out. I'm going to go get us food and drinks because we aren't leaving this hotel for the rest of the day."
"But why?"
"Damian, just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as possible."
He bites his tongue and nods, speeding into the building as I head to the parking garage. I didn't take my bike to the gym because I wasn't going to give anyone the opportunity to steal it, so we walked even though it was a little far. Putting on my helmet and mounting my motorcycle I zoom out of the garage, getting on the road.
Upon returning to the hotel I forbade Damian from asking any questions. He can tell there is something wrong, being more obedient than he normally would so he doesn't add to the problem. His softer side is out, something that he hides very well, and he's doing his best to distract me.
Right now we are lounging on the bed as a random action movie plays on the tv. The sun has already set and I should force him to sleep soon, wanting to investigate by myself without having to babysit. As much as Damian can handle himself, he isn't exactly one to cover his tracks and the last thing I need is for him to go on a killing spree where I'll have to cover for his ass.
"Why do you insist on leaving me behind when I could be a great asset?"
Here we go.
"Damian, the last thing I need is to let you run loose in Gotham. I don't know which is more dangerous, this city or you without supervision, but I'm not willing to mix the two."
"You say that I'm dangerous yet won't let me battle by your side. I don't understand what the problem is?"
"You technically aren't supposed to be here yet because Tim Drake hasn't even become Robin. Also, it seems that Batman has disappeared which is a massive problem. I will not allow you to come in contact with anyone that will resolve in you messing with fate. I understand that this world is different from the others but still, the order of Robins will always be the same."
"But I-"
He flinches as I snap at him, not used to this side of me. Yes, I'm strict, but I've never lost my temper with him. As much as he's a brat, I understand him and I deeply care for him. His mother isn't one to give affection or comfort, so I took the task upon myself. I by no means baby him but I do allow him to use me as his safe space, acting like an older sister.
When he was younger and would get scolded for not living up to his family's expectations, I stepped in, holding him as he quietly cried behind closed doors. I liked carrying him when the others weren't around to reprimand me for making him soft. He'd wrap his little arms around my neck and sometimes take a nap, just enjoying the little taste of what motherly love should be like.
I love Damian as if he were my baby brother, another reason I want him safe. Truth is, I have thousands of actual half-blood siblings that I've never met and have no desire to meet. My anger towards my father would be taken out on them and they don't deserve that, but I also have hatred towards them for a very personal reason.
But Damian is a member of the family I got to choose. People say blood is thicker than water, well not to me. I couldn't care less about my blood relatives, fuck them. My real family are the people that were and still are there for me, the people that I allowed to get close to and love me. Family by blood doesn't mean shit compared to the family that was chosen.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, I just..."
"Want me safe. I know, Beloved, I'm sorry for pushing."
I sigh and feel his head lean on my shoulder, giving me the only form of physical affection either of us are comfortable with. My head leans on top of his as we just bask in the comfort of each other.
"Is everything going to be okay?"
My heart aches at his question, his uneasiness really shining through.
"Yeah, Dami, everything will be."
"What about you? Will you be okay?"
I know he's not talking about recent events but rather the events that await us in the next eight months. His family knows what I am but they have no idea of what is to become of me. But Damian does, he's known for years and as the time passes he becomes more upset by the crushing reality.
Lying to him is not something I do, never once sugar coating the truth. I value his trust and will never give him a reason to doubt me. He understands that I keep things from him and will set boundaries, but he knows that I will always be truthful with him.
Which is why I don't answer him. I just wrap my arms around him tightly and that's all the answers he needs, softly beginning to cry as he latches onto me. It's rare if he cries and one of those rarities is when it comes to me.
I will never lie to him, but I will never verbalize this truth to him because it will only destroy him more. It's been to non verbally tell him because hearing it makes it too real and worsens the impact.
"I refuse to accept this," he says through his tears "I won't let you leave me. Your cousins and I will figure something out no matter what, no matter the costs."
I smile at his words and kiss his head, touched by his devotion and determination to save me despite it being a lost cause. My cousins are the same, absolutely positive that there is a solution. But there isn't, there is no way out of this, not for me.

If Love Could Win (a HBO Max Titans Jason Todd fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now