Prologue: A Disengagement Ring

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It was a rainy but, peaceful Friday night. Michael Savik was about to leave Biosmith Industries and was excited to think about how marrying the woman he loved was just 2 weeks away. This would unfortunately change after he left.
Jim: Hey Mike, do you want those Biodroids tested by next week or the week after?
Michael: It doesn't matter. Those will take time so I'm not worried about when they are finished.
Jim: Sounds good! Also, what's up with the ring?
Michael: Oh, has nobody told you?
Jim: Tell me what?
Michael: Lisa and I got engaged.
Jim: That's awesome man! When's the wedding?
Michael: It's in a few weeks. It's funny you bring it up cause we were planning on sending the invitations out this week.
Jim: I'll be sure to come!
They walked to their cars as they continued to discuss.
Michael: Sounds great. I'll make sure to send yours out first!
Jim: Alright well have a good weekend.
Michael drove home with a happiness he had never felt before. He arrived around 11:30 to see all the lights still on in his house. He was confused because his Fiancee usually goes to sleep an hour earlier. He knocked on the door but, there was not an answer.
Michael: Lisa?
Without an answer, he used the key under the rug to open the door. He was shocked to find his Fiancee half naked and another man hiding under sheets.
Michael: Who the heck is this?!
Lisa: Michael! It's not what it looks like!
Michael: What do you mean it's not who it looks like? Who even is he and why is he in my house?!
Lisa: He's a friend. He stopped by town recently and I just wanted to say hi.
Michael: So you say hello by sleeping with the guy?!
The man stood up with a 6'4 stature against Michael's 5'11
Stranger: Dude relax. We were just having a nice conversation.
Michael: Get out now!
Lisa: Michael quit overreacting!
Stranger: Hey man, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Michael grabbed a glass off the counter and smashed it on the guy's head.
Lisa: What are you doing?
Michael: Leave. And take him with you. I never want to see you again.
Lisa got dressed and helped the man to her car. Michael watched them drive away in disbelief as the woman he loved had cheated on him and hid this act of selfishness behind her fiance's back the entire time.

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