Chapter 2: A Cruise?!

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A damaged and wild plane flied through the sky. "Welcome aboard...bigfoot air!"

People sat as a female bigfoot rolled a cart of "Snacks! Beverages!" Lard Nar sat relaxing when she came to him "Coffee?" 

Lard Nar nodded "That would be lovely." She poured the steaming hot beverage in his lap and he screamed, steam rising from his skin "Fucking damn it!"

Meanwhile Zim was fidgeting in his seat "Tak, please, you're torturing me! You know I hate surprises!" Tak chuckled "This is a fun surprise."

"There are no fun surprises! Why are we on a plane? We have ships, you know!" Tallest Spork spoke up "Back in my day, people took trains. Now that's classy."

Zim rolled his eyes "Sure, Spork. Forty hours in a closet-sized room with you and aunt Miyuki and her smelly cigars, arguing over who was more attractive, Tallest Red or Tallest Purple."

Spork lied back in his seat, his hands behind his head "Ohh Tallest Red." Zim turned away "Okay, Spork. Thank you." He turned to Tak "Tak, this is such an amazing surprise! I can't wait to spend time with the people I bond with most. But, I beg of you. Tell Zim where we're going!"

The female Irken shook her head "Nope! I have taken care of everything, so you need no reason to be anxious. You have been so stressed out lately. It's time for you to relax." Tak reclined Zim's chair, gave him a neck pillow, and put Irken-safe sunscreen on his face.

"There. Now, isn't that relaxing?" Zim's eyes twitched "Oh yes. So relaxed."

GIR turned to Delaney. Delaney was Red and Purple's adopted child since they didn't have the anatomies to have their own child. Zim was the only Irken to be intersex or a hermaphrodite. "I'm gonna go check on you-know-who."

Delaney nodded. A bigfoot pressed against the outside window then fell off. Gaz's eyes widened "Hey, did you see that?" Delaney yelled "GIR went to the bathroom!"

"Uhh, okay?" GIR went down to the luggage and looked around "Hey, where are you?" He whispered. Piggy came out of the luggage and oinked quietly "There you are, piggy. We'd never leave you home alone."

"Okay, folks. You're free to move around the cabin as we have started our descent." A bigfoot outside the plane hit the engine and broke it, making the plane crash down. Gaz screamed as the lady bigfoot continued to give out snacks and beverages. The plane crashed into a body of water and floated up.

"Ladies and gentleman, we've arrived at our destination, the Bermuda Triangle." The plane dropped down a waterfall and floated to a platform to walk to a door. When they opened the door they saw a space whale with feet wearing a suit. "Welcome to the Bermuda Triangle, where you'll embark on a paranormal cruise of a lifetime."

Zim's eyes widened "A cruise?!" He never signed up for this! "Surprise!" Zim stuttered "No no no! It's just like a hotel. On the water."

Tak sighed "I just thought you needed a vacation from running everyone else's vacation. You've barely been outside the hotel since...well, since the incident. You just sat down on the couch and stared at the wall, a vacant and empty expression on your face. Now we have a chance to make new and happier memories. With GIR."

GIR stared at the cruise ship with wonder "Boaaaat..." Zim smiled "Who made you a non-stoic caring Irken?"

"You, surprisingly. Took me so long to get away from my PAK's code." Zim looked proud "Right. And what a best friend I am." She rolled her eyes "Don't get cocky. Falling in love with Gaz helped too."

"Yeah, it did. And I'm happy you've finally found a mate to be happy with." Tak smiled "Yeah, she's amazing..." Tak blushed "Anyway, let's get on this cruise." And with that began the gang's trip on the Legacy.

Hotel Invader - Summer Vacation (A Hotel Transylvania 3 ZaDr parody)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora