The new neighbors

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Panicked, I looked down the precipice to see the man fall. I realized that he would never survive.

Once I had composed myself, I grabbed the key from the living room table and ran to the elevator. Luckily, it was already on my floor, so all I had to do was jump in and press the button down. As the elevator descended the several floors, I wiggled my right leg impatiently, thinking of what was about to await me once I got to the street.

When the elevator finally opened, I ran out of the building and searched for the scene of the accident. At least the place where I would have expected to see the crash because there was nothing to see. Not a soul for miles around. Confused, I ran along the sidewalk to the adjacent street and looked up. There was no one there either.

Had I imagined it?

I scanned the area again but found nothing. So I decided to go back upstairs.
I was just about to leave the elevator when I bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was in my mind," I tried to apologize directly. Then I looked at the person opposite me.
A young woman, probably my age, looked at me, puzzled, but then smiled.
"No, no, it's okay."
I smiled sheepishly and was about to walk past her when she spoke again.
"Hey, wait a minute."
I stopped again and turned to face her.
"Do you live here? I've never seen you here before."
I nodded. "Since today. I moved in with my grandfather."
"Oh really? We should do stuff sometime. Go shopping together or something."
She smiled broadly at me.
Shopping wasn't really my thing, but hey, getting to know someone my age wouldn't hurt. On the other hand, it would probably do me a lot of good.
"I'd love to," I smiled, turned away without another word and disappeared into my new apartment.

As it would be a while before my grandfather came back, I decided to relax on the balcony for a while. I sat down in the right-hand corner of the balcony, where there was a lounger. I closed my eyes and leaned back.

"Really? A new neighbor?"
I quietly heard a boy's voice, which must have come from the balcony next to me. It wasn't directly connected to this one, but it wasn't far enough away either.
"Yes, it looks like she lives next door."
If I remember correctly, that was the voice of the girl I'd just met. I didn't even know her name.
"No, let's not fall for that again!"
A second male voice that sounded quite tense.
I realized I was the subject, but I had no idea what exactly it was about.
"Chase, just because your girlfriend was evil that doesn't mean all girls are."
Evil girlfriend?
"We're not taking the risk!"
Hmm, I guess he's not interested in getting to know me.
"Don't worry Bree, for Chase to get someone like that again, he has to get someone in the first place."
The boy who had spoken first was now laughing too.
They seem to be having fun over there...
"Someday! Someday, Kaz!"
"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll grow someday..."
A loud, annoyed groan, then silence for a moment.

"You know what?"Silence."Chase, stop that!"Suddenly there was a loud bang.I opened my eyes and stood up. Now I was curious. It sounded like they were fighting over there.I leaned against the concrete railing and tried to look over. Far away, I could see the girl I had met earlier and two boys standing there actually fighting. I guess they couldn't stand each other at all. And since I had nothing better to do, I watched them."Hey, look, there she is!" the girl shouted to the two boys, who were not at all impressed. They kept fighting and shouting halfway harmless and stupid insults at each other.But suddenly one of them started spitting fireballs in the direction of the other, who blocked them with a bright blue shield that came out of nowhere.I looked at the two of them in disbelief and widened my eyes. Shortly afterward, I realized that my circulation was failing and I fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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