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I'm walking home and it's around 6pm, it's already dark but I don't want to go home. I'd rather be outside than go there but I have no choice.

I knocked on our front door and no one seems to open it so I went in. I didn't see my Family around so I quickly got in my room. I heard loud yelling, screaming, cursing and even things getting destroyed. No wonder no one answered the door. They're too busy to be angry at each other.

I'm so f*cling tired from them. Fighting there, fighting here. When is it gonna end?

When will I be left alone.

I heard someone banging in my bedroom door so I went and opened it and it was my abusive father.

"HEY ARIA! WHY DID YOU COME HOME SO LATE???" he yelled and held me "I had to go to detention" I said "DETENTION?!! WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE ARIA?" he said and slapped me and I can see in the corner of my eye was my mom crying

I didn't say anything cause I know nothing good will come out of it.

Then slapped me again. It hurts but I'm used to it now

"STAY IN YOUR ROOM AND DON'T GET OUT UNTIL YOU REFLECT!" he said and pushed me and closed the door shut.

*like I care? I would rather be here than be with you demons*

Not too long from what happend I got hungry so I snuck out and brought my plushie named exeo. I went to get some since I know they won't be feeding me for what I've done.

As I was walking I felt free again. The breeze of fresh air meeting with my body just felt so much better and it made me feel better.

I got some canned foods and snacks so I won't starve. I went to the cashier and I handed my things there.

And there I saw the most magestic and beautiful man I have ever seen. His soft features but strong appeal really shines and blends with each other. Despite him being in a uniform he's physique is still noticeable.

"Uhm miss? It's 142." he uttered "Oh yeah here" I said in a rush "Thankyou for buying here" he said and smiled. I quickly ran out cause I'm too flattered to even get myself together.

I got home and snuck in and layed down.
And Im still flattered by him I feel like I'm gonna explode.

*But I feel like Im forgetting something? *

*shit! My baby exeo! I left it!*

I said in my head but I can't possibly go there again since he's there!

*gosh I guess I just have to get it tomorrow hopefully he's not there*

After that I went to bed

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