Chapter 2: First days always suck, especially for transfer students.

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Even though it was technically in the middle of the first semester, it was the first day of school for both Atsushi and Akutagawa. Atsushi wasn't sure how well he'd fare in the regular courses, having no proper schooling, and he is sure Akutagawa shares the same sentiment. He was certain they'd be fine with the physical portions of school, fighting for their lives often certainly helped, but with neither of them having gone to school, it might prove difficult. 

For Atsushi, the agency had tried to bring him up to speed between cases, but it was rare. The weretiger didn't know about Akutagawa's learning, but he was sure that the Port Mafia didn't hold much value to it. 

Atsushi pushed his thoughts away at the some time he pushed open the rather large door to class 1-A, Akutagawa following closely at his heels. In an instant, the chattering students stopped to look at the two newcomers, confusion evident on all their faces. "Uh, I think you guys might be in the wrong class." A boy with yellow hair with a black streak in it speaks up. Other students nod and give various sounds of agreement. Both Atsushi and Akutagawa hear a slight shuffling sound coming from the corner of the room. The pair turn to look at the source only to see a homeless looking man step out of a yellow sleeping bag. They recognized the man as Aizawa Shouta, pro hero Eraserhead, and now their homeroom teacher. The man sighs heavily, and the class goes silent. 

"These are the transfer students I was talking about yesterday. You should remember that." Eraserhead says in a gruff voice, eyeing his students boredly. "Introduce yourselves and find a seat. Don't be too loud." The teacher then slips back into the sleeping bag before presumably falling asleep. 

Atsushi and Akutagawa glance at each other before Atsushi speaks first. "Uh, hello. My name is Nakajima Atsushi, and I look forward to learning beside you." Atsushi bows politely to the class. "I am Akutagawa." As expected, Akutagawa says the bare minimum and doesn't bow. The class stares at the two for a few seconds before a tentative hand raises. "What are your quirks?" A boy with curly green hair asks nervously. Atsushi smiles at the boy, who reminds him of himself before he joined the ADA. "My quirk is called: Beast Beneath the Moonlight. It allows me to transform into a white tiger." Atsushi explains easily, happy to talk about his ability. The green-haired boy looks expectantly at Akutagawa, who only sighs a little. "Rashomon allows me to manipulate my clothing however I desire it." Once again, straight to the point. The greenette's eyes sparkle with excitement, and he begins to mumble. 

"The potential of a quirk like that is almost limitless. The best way I can see such a quirk being used is for rescue or stealth, but with how it can be manipulated however you desire, that means it can become sharper than the actual material which would be good for offense." Atsushi is a little impressed that the kid got that from what little explanation Akutagawa gave, and how spot on the kid was. Akutagawa merely shrugs and walks over to an empty seat, taking it before anyone has the chance to say anything. Atsushi follows suit, taking the seat right next to Akutagawa. 

"Oi, nerd! Quit yapping like a loser!" An angry voice yells. The voice belongs to a kid with spiky blond hair, and said kid is currently popping off small explosions in the palms of his hand. Must be the kid's quirk, Atsushi thinks to himself. The green-haired boy squeaks and stumbles out an apology. "Ah, sorry Kacchan!" The blonde scoffs and the bell rings, signifying that start of class. Eraserhead (should Atsushi be thinking of him as Aizawa-Sensei now?) gets out of his sleeping bag and stands at the podium. "No quirk use in the classroom, Bakugo." The teacher says in a tired voice. The blond kid, Bakugo, just rolls his eyes. 

Aizawa-Sensei sighs and begins talking. "The UA Sports Festival is in a week. It will give you all a chance to get sighted by hero agencies for your internships, as well as build relationships with the other courses." Aizawa says tiredly. The class erupts into chatter about the festival and what's to come, some talking about past ones that they have seen. Atsushi, once again, is confused. Sure it will get them internship possibilities, but it would also give any villain information on how their quirks worked. From what he read in the file he was given for this mission, one of the main reasons the students got out of the USJ alive was because the League of Villains had no idea what their quirks were. With the sports festival being broadcasted everywhere in Japan, the League would no doubt be watching to plan another possible attack. He looked at Akutagawa, who looked contemplative. Suddenly, Akutagawa spoke. "Is it really wise to host the Sports Festival after the attack on the USJ?" The mafioso asks, his words silencing everyone else in the room. Aizawa-Sensei sighs, looking at Akutagawa with a raised eyebrow. "Why do you ask that?" Akutagawa huffs at the question, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair. "The only advantage your students had in the USJ was that their quirks were unknown. Hosting the festival, as well as broadcasting it for everyone to see, would take away that advantage." A couple students whisper to each other while others nod. Atsushi nods along as well, completely agreeing with Akutagawa. "UA is continuing with the sports festival to show that we will not be bothered by an attack like this. And as heroes, your quirks will be known to everyone the day you debut, so it really doesn't matter." Aizawa says, though he clearly agrees with Akutagawa. Was UA serious? Atsushi is baffled by the blatant disregard for the students here. Akutagawa nods in understanding, but Atsushi's enhanced hearing picks up the "Mori-San would never approve of this," coming out of the other's mouth, making the weretiger even more concerned. 

Atsushi sighs in resignation, knowing it would be pointless to argue now. 

He just hopes that everything will be fine.

Author's note:
This is heavily inspired by "Into Your World" by leedonghyucks on Ao3. 

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