The Unknown Feeling

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Vaishnavi hurried out of the hall as she struggled to catch her breath. After rushing to the parking lot, she sat inside a sleek black car.

"Sir, could you please go somewhere for a while? I need some time alone," Vaishnavi said to the driver as she held onto the hem of her dress to prevent herself from crying. The basement was too dark to allow the person to notice her expression.

The man said, "Of course, ma'am," and left the area to give her privacy.

Vaishnavi's POV

I struggled to hold back tears as a lump in my throat made it hard to breathe and speak. It choked me, making me feel like a captive of an unknown feeling.

I wasn't sure what this feeling was. It was as if someone had stabbed my heart after I had taken care of it for so long and made it vulnerable to pain. I couldn't understand why all these bad things were happening to me. I had never done anything wrong in my life. I wanted to scream, to let the whole world know about my pain.

But at the same time, I didn't want anyone to know what I felt like. Maybe it's why Rohan said, 'No, you don't.'  Maybe, the letters on my hand were the signs. 

It was futile to cry over someone who didn't reciprocate my feelings. Yet, my heart was aching. 

"I need to accept it. It's his life, and he has the right to make his own decisions." I whispered to myself. Though I wanted to think of that as a nightmare, it wasn't.

Vivaan's POV

I watched as she rushed out of the party. Her expression pained me. I wanted to console her, but I wasn't in the position to. An unknown emotion stirred in my heart as I watched tears escape her eyes. 

The moment I saw her, I knew she was the one. However, my actions and words failed to express my feelings. I went after her as she exited the hall. She was skilled at concealing emotions, but this situation was too overwhelming to handle. Even for me and so for her.

It crushed my heart to see her attempting to hold back her tears as she sat alone in a dimly lit car. But after a while, she stopped. She remained motionless and wiped her eyes, laying her head on the backrest before looking up. She remained in that posture for half an hour, and her chest moved in time with her heavy breathing.

Eventually, she fell asleep. I wonder what she was thinking. However, it was clear that pursuing her would be difficult. But this made me more determined to do so. 

I left there as I had to search for the book the lady in magenta told me about. I was unsure if she was playing with me. How can they be goddesses? And even if they are, who was the supreme goddess? Like Athena or something?

I intended to visit the Fae realm's Universe Library. We can claim that even if that wasn't a location people wanted to stop by, they were still our friends. Yes, sufficient. Yes.

 I was still hesitant about whether I should ask Maximus to ask them to deliver the book if possible. Nonetheless, I wanted to know the deeper meaning of our shared bond.

Anaya's POV

I could hardly wait to meet my daughter. It was a strange sensation. I felt like I was reborn. My two children would join me, and we would spend time together. I picked an outfit for the occasion and hummed a melody. It was simple yet beautiful, just like her.

"Ma! Ma!" I moved from the adjacent room to the main bedroom. Dev was looking for me. He had grown significantly in size and height over the years. Nearly as tall as his father.

"I'm here," I said as he ran to me and hugged me tightly. I was confused for a moment, but then I heard his little sobs. I patted his back.

"What happened, my boy? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" I asked as his shoulders shook from his cries. Something was off - his behaviour had been weird for a few days. Then he was here in this state.

"Isha won't be coming home for a few more years because of the results of the fairies' mistake. I... I feel so empty." He expressed, between his sobs and cries, as he detached himself from me. I was on the verge of tears after he announced this heartbreaking news. I made him sit on the settee as his cries made my heart break further. 

I dried his tears as I held him, more to reassure myself. But I wanted to be strong; I couldn't constantly be a fragile lady. As Queen, I had to be tough for my realm and family amid painful times.

I kissed his forehead, and cupped his face saying, "We'll wait till she comes. Her delayed arrival must have a good reason in the eyes of the supreme goddess. She'll come to us when the time's right. Okay? As long as she is safe and happy, all we have to do is wait." 

"But-" Before he could say something else, I had to give the information, "I know what she went through. But we can't deny the happenings. You should go to the Fae realm with Vivaan to know more about this."

He nodded and left the room after hugging me. I consoled myself with the same thinking that there must be a legitimate reason for her departure and that she would return to us when the time was right, but my motherly love remained. What should I do about it?

Anushka's POV

Tushar exited the room, and I understood what a mess I'd gotten myself into. I felt terrible. My head was throbbing, and my body felt dirty. When I glanced in the mirror, I noticed red marks all over my body. I'd never tried anything like this before, and I'd gone too far. It was too late to turn back.

Something took over my head, causing me to think such thoughts. I burst into frantic tears as I realized what occurred. What did I do? Why? I wanted to shout, but the sound had left my throat.

I needed to get out of this place. I went to the bathroom and showered first. Wearing the dress, I straightly went to the parking. Guilt only increased with time. I arrived at the car to find Vaishnavi already inside, her eyes closed, presumably asleep.

I sat beside her, and she opened her red eyes. She looked as if she cried for a long time. Cleaning her throat, she asked something that made me feel more guilty.

"Why did you do that? With Tushar." 

I realized that she had discovered my betrayal when she mentioned him. I knew that she liked him, and it made me feel guilty. Though I had a reason, this was never part of my plan.

"Vaishu, believe me, I didn't do that on purpose. I promise." I spoke through my sobs as she maintained a steady gaze. She exhaled deeply and turned her head to glance out the window.

"I don't believe you," She remarked. This was it, her trust in me vanished. I had committed such a dreadful sin. If Dadi-sa found out, she would kill me. I realized that only she could save me as I looked at her.

But was I deserving of her favour?


I know the update was extremely late, but was it interesting?

Do let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And what are your thoughts on 'why Anushka did that?'?

And yes, I finally came up with an idea for the book cover.

Till next. Adios~

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