Case 4. The Murderer Who Returned From Hell: Chapter 04. The Missing Boxer

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Jiang Ping used a set of equipment from Bai Jintang's latest donation to complete a high-definition processing of the film, then projected it for everyone on the new big screen in SCI.

While everyone was on break, the SCI office was renovated. This was specially done by Bai Jintang. SCI was now as modern as a science-fiction film.

Everyone looked at the image on the screen. The effect was better than that of a horror movie.

The video recording had no sound, but the shape of the victim's mouth could be clearly seen.

Zhao Zhen was proficient in lip-reading, as he said helplessly, "the man ran and shouted, 'help, there's a ghost!'"

Everyone frowned.

The height of the camera was much lower, and the distance was much closer than regular surveillance cameras. The image was also a lot clearer.

In the video, the owner who had just gotten out of the car went into the corner next to the yellow car to take a look out of curiosity. Everyone could vaguely see a person squatting behind the car.

The owner only stood behind the man for about two or three seconds, before turning and running away in horror. His facial expression was extremely distorted, most likely due to fear.

At the same time, a humanoid thing behind him swooped up and grabbed his head, dragging him behind the shadow of the car.

After a while, the assailant dragged the bloody owner out, looked around, and in the end found that the trunk of the yellow car could be opened. Therefore, the assailant threw the body in, closed the hood, then turned around and left.

Jiang Ping collected a large number of images and combined them with the photos of the body sent by Ai Hu. The result was shocking.

Several screenshots clearly showed the attacker's dry limbs, skeletal face, crumpled skin and two dark eye sockets.

Zhan Zhao found the photo of the 'mummy' who attacked Zhang Yang at the airport.

"Isn't it the same person?" Bai Chi compared the two photos.

"Yes, I have already compared them." Jiang Ping said, showing the comparison of the two photos to everyone.

"This thing... is a person?" Gong Sun touched his chin with some interest as he looked at the face of the corpse in the picture. "The facial features are consistent with the structure of the human skull, and it doesn't look like some kind of mutation or plastic surgery."

"According to the calculated proportions," Jiang Ping said after making a precise analysis, "this man is about 1.8 meters tall and weighs only a little over 100 pounds."

"That thin?" Bai Chi frowned. "How come it's so strong?"

"The machine calculates using the approximate proportions." Jiang Ping said.

"If this is a real person," Gong Sun looked at it for a long time and shook his head. "Then, he is underweight."

Bai Yutang looked at the picture of the corpse and then looked at the preliminary autopsy report done by medical examiner Yang. "This thing is a cannibal?" Bai Yutang said while frowning.

Zhan Zhao immediately leaned over, "Really?"

At this time, the elevator door opened. Ma Xin, who went downstairs to pick up the body, was holding a document. A small medical examiner behind him helped push the body out then acknowledged Gong Sun.

Jiang Ping asked Gong Sun, "the medical examiner's office has been redecorated. Have you ever seen it?"

Gong Sun was stunned as he touched his chin. "Really?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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