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Mahika clicked her tongue and remarked, "So, you're telling me that someone is gifting me weird-looking creatures that are already taught to obey me. But the question remains, Tsuki. Why are they doing this?"

Akuma shared a known glance with Tsukiyomi, and said," The answer is simple, My Queen. Whoever is behind all this is trying to gain your attention. Congratulations, You have got yourself a Secret Admirer."




Mahika scoffed and said, "Akuma, shut up. There has to be something more, like sending these monsters to provoke me or something. People haven't seen my face; how am I going to attract admirers and all? You should stop watching Korean dramas, Kenji."

Akuma slicked her hair back with his palm and responded, "You are ignorant about admiration, Little One. I am certain that I am correct. Otherwise, that individual would not have taught them to obey you. Isn't he sweet?"

She arched an eyebrow and added, "Akuma, I still believe you are mistaken. However, whoever it is should be warned that they are attempting to invade the Monarch's realm. And locate the source of these drugs; we cannot allow them to circulate in the market."

Akuma bowed and replied, "Will do so Little One." She nodded and said, "You can all go now. I still have some work to do, and Kuro makes sure to be prepared. The chief will arrive tomorrow with Ryousuke."

He nodded in response, saying, "I would make certain not to make any mistakes, My Queen." She ruffled his hair and rose from her seat when she spotted the message on her phone. She took her coat and began walking out, saying, "Tsuki, lock the door before leaving, and sleep early because you have to pick up Serafina tomorrow."

She walked out smiling as she heard him curse at Serafina, "This world is too small for them to live." She turned her head to the right as she heard footsteps and saw Kuragari approaching her.He took her coat in his hand and began walking beside her, his head down.

Mahika saw this and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, ruffling his hair with her other hand. She said, "Tell me what you want, Kuro?"

He leaned in on her touch and continued, "While working with Rudra, I learned that My King has several assassination missions pending, as well as some torture training for his workers. If he doesn't mind, may I do that?"

Mahika laughed and said, "Look at you acting so bashful as if you were asking for someone's hand in marriage. I'll discuss this with Raj tonight, and I'll let you know if he agrees. Until then, Kuro, enjoy your vacation."

He nodded in response, confident that the King would agree to his proposal if the Queen asked. When he opened the car door for her, she pulled her coat back and pecked his head. She responded," Take some rest Kuro, we have a long way to go." He said, "I will my Queen once you return with the King. Till then, please take care."


(In Aditya's Office)

Aditya smiled as he read the reply he got. Only she has the right and power to make him experience emotions he hasn't felt in over a decade. He closed the file and stated, "Your job for today is complete, Veer. Go back to the palace and rest."

He stood up from his seat, took off his coat, and added, "And whatever you have in mind about Akuma's Fiance, sort it out. I do not want any unnecessary drama here. Remember to set limits and keep in mind- that he is someone's fiancé."

ADIKA - HIS OTHER HALF (18+)Where stories live. Discover now