Normalcy breach

426 16 28

I do not own the Scp wiki nor its characters and monsters


It was a normal day for new york square, business men and women walked through the busy streets, impatient drivers began making noise as traffic builds up...

Charles Allgood sat alongside his friends drinking and watching the tv cheering on their favorite team until suddenly it was shut off

"Hey! What gives!" One of Charles friends yelled out turning to the bartender finishing up his latest order

The bartender sighed then grabbed a remote... He raised it to the tv and pressed the on button...

No response...

"Weird..." He said laying the remote down "seems like the plugs off..." This made everyone groan

Charles stand "I'll get it..." He looked at the tv and began to check the sockets...

The plug is still on...

Charles thought it might have been rats that had chewed and destroyed the cable... it is New York after all...

He stepped back and turned to the bartender "It's still on-"

Suddenly the tv began to turn on making a loud siren

"Gah! What the fuck!?" Yelled one of the costumer as he covering his ears

Everyone did the same

Suddenly another siren was Heard then another...

Charles looked at the window as drivers and business workers stop what they were doing and looked up

Charles immediately got out to see what was happening and he saw the TV's of new york square began to imit the noise

"What the fuck is going on?" He muttered to himself...


The Telecommunications Monitoring Office was on full alert, sirens were blaring on their TV

The head of the office Harold Axwell watched as the agents hurriedly gather and try to cut the feed off...

"Russia is having the same effect!" Yelled one of the operators

"So does Yemen, Zimbabwe And Romania!" Yelled another

Harold watched the screens of his operatives... The sudden siren alert from the TV's all across America was suspicious... Then it spread across the world.

UK, France, Egypt , Chad, Philippines and even the Vatican... Nearly all nations are having this sudden siren alert

"What on earth is going on?" Harold asked making one of the operators to look

"Sir with all respect... I have no idea... I-it could be a hacker or..."

His words died down as suddenly the sirens stopped making everyone turn to it

The tv now showed a symbol... One that made everyone's eyes widen...

It was the SCP insignia...


The bar watched as they saw the symbol

"What is that?" Asked Charlie to the bartender who only shrugged "Beats me..."

The tv now shows a man... Faceless by the shadows of the room, he was wearing scientist attire with the insignia on his left chest

The figure spoke "If you're hearing this... Then you are about to hear classified information... And more classified is this organization who had fought against the darkness that is unreality... This is the tales and works of the SCP foundation..."

Everyone looked at each other wondering what this scp foundation even is...

Some looked at it said it is a joke... A huge prank

But others... Felt like it wasn't


"Fuck... Oh fucking Christ in heaven..." Said one of the agents watching the TV from the canteen within site 12

Everyone else was watching having the same reaction


"Holy shit..." Muttered an operator beside Harold "It's out... The secrets out. Oh god... Oh fuck!" He said panicked

"And we still have a job to do! Find the source!" Harold yelled back making the operators quickly turn back to his computer

Harold then walked back to his office quickly heading to his telephone then pressed a button

"This is code Red... The Masquerade is broken... I repeat the masquerade is broken"


Welp this is gonna be the first fanfic that is about something other then Warhammer...

And all honesty after the announcement of Female Custodians I am pretty much losing faith with the GW Company I mean...

They could have just built a sort new units of SoS to help... But noooo... They decide to fuck most well placed lore in Warhammer...

It sucks really....... But I won't lose faith on continuing my fanfics... As much as I hate it

I just pray to the emperor, Hashut, the four and any eldar gods alive that this lore will change... Other then my faith waning

I love Vauschen and Robot456 idea... Just a mass of people watching species or hell itself... So I decided to try it myself...

Might suck... But hey we all got something to begin with...

I hope you all like this

And as always brothers and sisters...

Praise be to the Crimson King

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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