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Roy's Pov,

Sitting on the rock as I overlook the calm waters I can't stop the sigh that leaves my lips, I don't even know how long I've been here. But it's been long.... I stopped counting after the first century. I'm locked up here because they are scared of me, the loophole in nature was me. Odin and the other gods fear that I might kill them, I've killed one person in my life and I didn't mean it.... it just happened the taste of her blood on my lips makes me want more even right now. And yet what I've been living for the last years is fish.... and the wildlife that runs around on the island.

My mother must be dead by now..... my friends? I don't even know, its' been so long. So long locked up on this island all because they are scared, I would have thought that god's fear nothing. We always listened to the stories of Mikael when he spoke of the god's, Odin, Freya, Loki, Thor and they are real and scared of dear old me.

Picking the small rock up I throw it and it flies over the ocean that I can enter for about a mile and after that fucking chains that pull me back, I never listened to my mother doing her witchcraft I always wanted to run through the forest with Nikolaus, just the two of us..... we always wanted to see the men change into the wolves that one night with the full moon. One time I didn't go with Nik and he took his younger brother with him, and only one returned.

And that started this whole thing, Esther used her magic on her children to make them immortal and soon the price with it became known. I deeply cared about the Mikaelson siblings some more than others, but I wasn't safe around them anymore. And that's when my mother used the spell on me, when I fed for the first time on human blood, god's it was sweeter than honey, and even the copper like taste was just amazing. And yet soon after the woman took her last breath my bones started to break..... they broke as my hands turned into massive paws, my skin turned into a thick.... midnight black fur, my teeth turned into fangs as in the darkness of night I changed into a 12 feet black wolf.

I wasn't like the wolves I saw in the woods with Nikolaus.... no I was something different, something more ancient more... more powerful. I could smell for what felt like miles through the woods, I could hear people talking who were not even close, and just the feeling of the ground underneath my massive paws was amazing. So I started to run, just ran through the woods as I let the different sounds and smells fill my body, and in that moment I think I felt truly alive for the first time.

All good things came to an end when I never made it back home, no a wolf larger than me with red eyes and also pitch black fur walked out of the darkness and when his eyes met mine it's like I knew..... I knew that he was my father.

"You've grown a lot." A deep voice says and I think my mind must be playing tricks on me because the only voice I have heard in many years is my own! "Aaah a son who doesn't wish to look upon his father."

"My father is a massive black wolf named Fenrir, and I must be losing my mind if the water starts to speak to me." I mumble under my breath as I pull my knees closer to my chest. "Forgive me the years have not been kind, there has been no excuse for what has happened." The voice says before a 6,3 muscular man with thick black hair moves in front of me and I look him over before his eyes briefly shine red. "How long have I been here."

"A little more than a thousa-"

"A THOUSAND YEARS! I'VE BEEN LOCKED UP FOR MORE THAN A THOUSAND YEARS AND THE FIRST THING YOU SAY IS ' YOU'VE GROWN ALOT!" I bite the man's way as anger fills me while I hop off of the stone and my chest is practically touching his while some growls leave my lips as the dominant energy is probably radiating off of me right now.

"Would you have wished for me to start with a hey? But for the last few years I've been discussing with the god's."

"I do not care about the assholes who locked me up here." I scoff as I run my hand through my black curls and turn away from my father. "Shame, because we agreed to let you out into Midgard again." He says plainly and I whip my head back around in his direction. "Out? Like off of this bloody island? Like being able to run around again in my wolf?" I ask him with some excitement as I just think about it! Running without the limits of this place, being able to maybe find the Mikaelson's?

"You'll be attending the Salvatore school for the Young and Gifted."

"The who what and where?" I ask him with a raised brow, what in the hell is a school? "A place for children who are supernatural ,where they learn things.... a place for people like you."

"But there is only one like me unless you've fathered some more bastards." I say with a shrug making the man's eyes flash red again. "You are not a bastard! You are a prince, you are the son and heir of the King of Wolves Fenrir. Do not ever degrade yourself again!" He speaks as his voice booms over the island while it's filled with proudness, aawh he cares. Got me locked up for a 1000 years but alright.

"There is another Tribird, nature found a loophole. A girl 18 born out of the Original hybrid and a werewolf." He speaks and well that sounds interesting but she's not like me right? "But no one is like me?"

"No one is like you, but that doesn't mean there aren't similarities. Roy, during the upcoming weeks we will teach you how to read and write, and also try to bring you up with what happened all these years. Midgard has changed a lot since you've last walked on it." He speaks and I take a deep breath before letting my eyes meet his as I wish to ask the question, but I think I already know it.

"And my mother?" I softly ask him and the man's saddened eyes meet mine. "She is no longer with us Roy, forgive me." He says with some remorse in his tone and I should have known after he said I've been here for over a 1000 years, and now I will be a 1000 something year old Tribird within the body of a 18 year old who knows nothing about the world that I will become a part off.

"So what made them change their mind?" I ask him and he let's a smirk appear on his face. "I can be very convincing." He starts before I follow up with some laughter. "Sure it only took you about a 1000 years."

"I can only be a man when Odin breaks my curse Roy, but you deserve a chance..... a chance to a life not on this place. But to be able to make a life for yourself, but first you need to be in control." He says making me raise my brow.

"Uhm I am in control."

"Then you have nothing to worry about since you'll be out of the school in only a few short years." 

Author's Note, 

I'm so nice! But vote and comment! 

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