Part Five - Drunk

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Mom's funeral was awful. It was so depressing because there were only a few people there, because my family from England couldn't come. I also started hearing voices in my head, creepy, I know. It started when I was in the woods after mom died. I heard someone saying something, but when I looked at the direction the voice came from, no one was there. After that I've heard voices only a few times, but it freaks me out. It might be the way I'm dealing with my mother's death. Maybe I'm going insane, who knows. I also haven't been to school anymore, I just can't handle it. Some friends did come by our house, but I told them I didn't want to see them. I know I'm a bad friend, and I know I need them, especially in times like this, but I just want to be alone.

But tonight I decided I had to go outside and do something, instead of sitting inside all day reading and watching netflix. It has been two weeks since everything and I knew I had to move on, even though I didn't want to. And what better day to go out, than on a Friday night. I was walking towards the Mystic Grill. It was a bit cold outside, so I decided to wear a black sweater with some jeans and sneakers. When I walked inside I didn't see anyone I knew. They probably are at Elena's birthday, but I didn't feel like being social at her birthdayparty. Like I said, I'm a good friend. I sat down at the bar and a woman of my age started walking towards me. "Hun, you look like you could use some alcohol right now." "Yea I could use some indeed, but I'm not old enough yet." "Don't worry about it. You need it, so I'll give you some. Just don't tell anyone I did it." she laughed. "Well thank you. I'll have a lime wodka then." (I think that's an actual thing) "Good choice, I'm Melissa by the way" she said while making my drink "I'm Elisa" She gave me my drink. "Thank you Melissa, I'll see you later!" I started walking to an empty table and sat down. The alcohol tasted good, and I really did need it. "Underaged drinking. I didn't expect you would do that." Someone said. Damon. Great. "Good seeing you here Elisa." "Well not very good to see you here Damon, now my night is ruined." "Well atleast you aren't alone now." "I wasn't alone!" "You were, the only person you talked to was the bartender." "Fine, but that doesn't mean I'm glad to see you. I just wanted to get drunk and forget everything for a while, and now you are here. Great. Just great." "Well I could help you getting drunk. Come with me to my house. We could even get drunk together!" "Why the hell would I come with you." He now looked me right in the eye. "Elisa, you are coming to my house, and you are getting drunk." "Fine." I quickly finished my drink and stood up. "Where even do you live Damon?" We were walking outside now. "Just get in the car and you'll see." "Bossy much." "I heard that." "I know."

Damon lives in a very nice and big house, I was kind of jealous. We walked inside and he grabbed two glasses and a bottle with some liquid in it. Probably some sort of alochol. He filled the two glasses and gave one to me. "Cheers!" "What even is this stuff Damon?" He laughed "It's bourbon, very stong, especially when you're not used to drinking." He winked. I drunk a bit from the glass, and it was indeed strong. Very strong. "Told ya it was strong." he said when he saw my expression.

After that, time passed very quickly. I now finished 3 glasses and was halfway through my 4th. Damon was actually a nice guy. Bit of a asshole, but I guess everyone is an asshole. "Damon, can you show me around the house?" "Suuuuureee. A special grand tour for Miss Elisa." He picked me up and I screamed. "Relax, I'm just giving you a special tour. If you want the normal tour, I won't carry you. You want that?" I giggled and blushed "No no this is fine!"

"And last, but certainly not least, my own bedroom." he put me down so I could look around. "You have an awesome room.!" "Thank you" He said, suddenly standing right beside me. "Gosh don't scare me like that!" "You're beautiful when you're scared." "I err.. thanks?" He was now very close to me and he started leaning in. Wait. Was he going to kiss me right now? Oh god I wasn't prepared for this. He was still leaning in, and we were now on 'kiss distance'. But he didn't kiss me, like I expected. No, he went down to my neck and started kissing me there. I was now very confused until I noticed. He wasn't kissing my neck. He was biting it.

after long last, HERE IT IS!! :D Enjoy!

Lots of Love,

Lynn aka. @myweirdolife

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