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Lorenzo POV

The drama
l open my eyes to see a baby girl laying next to me her hair was Same as mine her eyes open and are the same as mine "Lorenzo!"she yall as she moved to me "mia love Lorenzo"she said why

the end

l open my eyes l felt sad cause l miss my twins l last saw her last year 

(Lorenzo and mia outfit)

dad said that the family will be here in the morning so that we All have breakfast together l'm thinking about the girl from my dream l was playing tom on my phone than l hear voice from a few flom below me

l walk downstairs and l was going to the living room but someone hit into me l look to see a girl who looked like me when l said like me like me hair color, eyes color and SAME OUTFIT!? l look at the necklace on her neck it was like my moon one but it was pink

than l look at her she looks at me both eyes wide "AHHH!?"we both yall and stand up and run while Yalling dad this girl looks like me when l run inside the living room there lot of people l see dad and l hug "DAD! there a girl who looks like me SHE EVEN HAS ON THE SAME OUTFIT AS ME!?"l yall to him

dad looked like he didn't know me "HEY! THAT'S MY DAD"a voice y'all l turn aisaw the girl again hey wait that dad behind her looking cold wait if dad there but l'm hug dad than l see gio laugh and l run behind him "what happens why are they two dad"l asked for behind gio

than one of the dad comes and stand in front of gio "prince l'm your real father"he said l don't believe him "provide it"l said cold he laughed "okay l know you made gio and eiji wear dress"he said than everyone laugh not gio, and eiji "Dad what going on"l asked the girls

than a woman and hug me l would have pushed her away but l feit safe in her arms mother love "hey there Lorenzo l'm your grandma l'm so happy to have you back l'm going to make you and mia match again"she said she looks too young

"Okay mom let the woman have him"a woman asked she hug me too l found out l have sweet"hey there l'm the oldest auntie"she said Cool than four more women hug me than Dad took my hand lary me to four men "hey there l'm your oldest uncle if anyone except your grandparents miss with you come to me l'll send them crying"he said l laugh he hug me

"hey prince l'm your dad twin brother and your best uncle here"he said and hug me now he looks like dad than two men come the other two hug me and said if my brother miss with me l called them than l see remember some people

grandma than took my hand and lay me to the last man he looks more scared than anyone l do remember him "hello there Lorenzo l'm your grandpa arens romano"he said put his hand out for me is his a business meeting l rolls my eyes than hug him tight

"l miss you grandpa"l said soft he hug me back than lift me up "hah my prince is come"he said happy smile than kiss my check our time was running by my gio "THE FUCK GRANDPA SMILE?! HELL IS FREEZER FIRST XANDER AND MATTHEW NOW GRANDPA WHAT NEXT YOU SOMEHOW MADE MATTHEW BF SMILE!?"Elias yall than l everyone was looking at us in shock

l let go than the question "who he's/she's?"me and the girl asked same time we look at each other "stop it stops it gio/mason help me"we said than grandpa laugh than took both our hands "Lorenzo this mia your twin sister and mia this is..."before he could mia yall "Lorenzo!"she thanks hug me

with tears in her eyes than it comes back mia my twin sister wall not same day but she looks and is my other half l hug her back "l miss you sorella"l said we miss each other so much "do you remember when we would put water on gio and mason bed"she said l do

"yes remember when we should make Zeke and kyson our pets?"l asked it was fun than someone hug me tight l didn't fight back "hey KY"l said l knew it who was he him and Zeke were the only who sleep with us at night

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