The Bird

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I looked gorgeous!

I appeared resplendent in the golden-yellow silky ball gown, the fabric made into elegant folds. A pair of gloves, a matching shade of golden-yellow, reached just past my elbows, adding a touch of sophistication to my ensemble. My hair, swept up in an elaborate coiffure, were curled beautifully and my eyes sparkled at this appearance of mine. In any other occasion, this outlook of mine would've made me jump with excitement but recollecting the reason for this dress up made me gloomy instantly.

"I will leave now my Princess," Mabel got up and decided to leave. "Take care of yourself and be ready by the dusk. I'll let Princess Catherine know about the plan and make her aware of your situation as well."

Giving me a gentle kiss at my forehead, Mabel left the room, allowing me to venture deep into my plans. How was I going to do it? How would I know whether or not Catherine had made it?

Numerous questions bothered me me with no answers. If Mabel and Steve were to failed in their attempt, how would I learn about it? And the biggest question of all, how was I supposed to escape from the Palace without getting noticed?

The continuous questions caused me a headache and I stood up and approached the balcony to get a breather. Sighing, I looked around, admiring the Palace Garden which I had maintained for years. Whether I escaped or not, in both the situations, I would miss my Garden.

A tiny little sparrow came up to the parapet and chirruped. It looked at me, tilting its head from side to side ever so quickly. I laughed at how sweet it was and traced my index finger over its head.

I know! Birds get easily intimidated and by now it should've flown away. But with the passage years, the families of the birds had been able to recognise me well and they no more saw me as a threat. They would always wander around me, resting at my shoulders, crashing into my body playfully, pecking out strands of my hair and whatnot. Irritating sometimes, but truly fun. But since past few days, I had not been able to retain those happy moments. It was as if all the joy in my life had been stolen away.

"Chipchip," the sparrow chirruped. I looked at it lovingly and goodness knows how it came into my mind but the solution to all my problems, well almost all, seemed to have resolved!

Quickly, I placed my palm in front of the bird and it swiftly hopped on to it. I brought it into the room and placed it at a round table, gesturing it to remain there. It did as I said, although it kept hopping all across the table. I however took a small piece of paper and began writing on it using a quilt dipped in ink.

Once I was done, I quickly rolled it into a considerable size and caught the tiny being. With care, I tied it across the small being's claws and made sure if it remained steady. It did!

Holding the sparrow firmly in my palms, I approached the balcony. Pointing towards another balcony, I let the sparrow fly off, heart racing and watching it flutter away.

For a moment, I lost all hope. It had changed its course of direction and started to fly in another direction. But a moment later, it turned back to the path and approached the balcony and soon disappeared out of my sight into the room.

I sighed in relief. Hope Catherine would get my message.

It was nothing much. I had briefly mentioned that we could communicate this way if it worked out and that she could reply me in the same way. However, I knew that Catherine was not as familiar with the birds as I was, hence I had mentioned her to come out in the balcony and wave to signal that she got my message.

"What's taking you so long Catherine?" I murmured to myself. It had been a few minutes yet, I had seen neither Catherine nor the sparrow. Was I in trouble? Had anyone else seen it?

I couldn't help but the tremble at the thought that if either of our parents saw my message, it would all be over. But to my relief and more of a surprise, I saw Catherine, Steve and Mabel, all three of them wave at me from the balcony.

It appeared that the plan had worked and thankfully Steve and Mabel had witnessed it as well. Now I would be able to communicate with them if required.

The sparrow returned to me and I brought out my palm for it to rest on to. Looking carefully, I saw a piece of paper tied to its claws. Had they resent me my message or was it a new one?

Looking at them, I saw their anticipating eyes. Surely, it was their message.

"What could it be my bird?" I murmured while carefully untying the message and reading it to myself.

"Be ready right before wedding at night. Everyone will be busy and it will be the best time to escape. Use bed sheets, curtain or anything else to jump out from the balcony. Steve and I will be waiting for you."

I gasped. What? No, seriously what? Had I read it correctly?

I reread it and grew anxious with every word that settled in. This could not be true. I was supposed to jump from the balcony?

I turned and passed an angry glare at the trio who although may not have been able to see my bulging eyes but must have sensed my anger. This was idiotic, how could they expect me to jump off the third floor?

Catherine had the advantage since she was on the second floor. I was losing my mind and growing mad at the absurdity of the situation. What if I were to fall in the attempt? What if my hand slipped from the sheets?

Looking down from the balcony, for the first time ever, I felt a surge of dread flow into me. No, I was not going to do this.

Giving up, I went back into my room with the bird clasped in my palm and placed it at the table. It hopped around and flew from one point to the other but thankfully did not fly out of the room.

"I think nothing's going to ever work for me," I sighed.

Sitting at that position, I kept brooding till eventually Mabel came into the room.


I turned towards her but immediately moved my face away in anger. How could she plot my death so easily?

"Princess, please try to understand." She sat next to me on the bed. I looked at her worried and caring expression but did not budge.

"I'm not doing any of this!" I declared.

"My Princess, you must!" she exclaimed. "There's no other way out for you. If you try on escaping through the entrance of your room, even though the guards might've been taken care of, someone or the other will definitely catch you."

"I-I dunno," I stuttered. "How do you expect me to jump from this height? What if I was to fall?"

"Steve will be at the bottom for you," she mentioned. "He will protect you from any fall."

That was relieving but not convincing enough. "I'm not doing it!"

Mabel sighed. "Alright Princess, it's up to you now." She got up, leaving me baffled. Why would she not try to convince me further? "I will do my part of work for you my Princess, but then it's up to you for how you may escape. Remember, this will be your last chance and if you lose it, you'll lose everything you've ever desired in your life."

Word Count: 1319 Words

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