New Family

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My heart skipped a beat as soon as I made eye contact with the French Princess, Catherine.

Catherine was dressed casually with not much care. She wore a shift under top of a blue waistcoat and a similar blue petticoat covering her bottom. Although it was not as pronounced as her father's, yet the confidence in her was more than enough for her appearance.

"Meet my daughter Catherine," the French King gestured towards her. "Please don't mind her late arrival. She is often times carefree about any ocassion."

"Ah King Louis! We understand!" father patted his shoulder. "It's nice meeting your lively daughter."

"Thank you, your honour," Catherine bowed. "I must say, the things I've heard about you are indeed true."

"And what could they be?" father wondered.

"Words say you're a just ruler, dressed in elegance and emanate valour."

"That's quite a lot of appreciation!" father laughed. "Have you never heard anything repulsive?"

"Oh yes indeed! It's right that they say you're quite stout."

For a moment, none spoke a word. After which father burst out with laughter, rubbing his oversized belly.

"I don't know about anything else you said but that sure is true!" father said joyously.

I was astounded at how natural Catherine was. Fearlessly, she had spoken out her thoughts about my father, without upsetting him. This made her character much more attractive to me.

Catherine turned towards me and smiled. Before I could have known, she stepped forward and took me in an embrace. My heart raced in my chest as I was unable to comprehend her sudden move.

Before we parted, I sure felt her trace her fingers on the back of my neck. Trust me, it was not my imagination!

"Congratulations for your wedding Jane," Catherine congratulated while holding my palm in a handshake. "You certainly are as beautiful as I've heard. Can't begin to imagine how glamourous you might appear at your wedding day!"

I gulped. Was she appreciating or flirting with me? I had no idea. All I could do was reflect a smile back.

"I beleive our girls might make good friends," father said proudly.

"I think the same King Evans!" King Louis exclaimed.

Taking my hand in his, father said, "Come Jane, let's get inside." And so we did.

The dining hall had a grand decor. The numerous of guests with their unique dressing styles added glamour to its beauty. A small podium stood farther away upon which were placed five chairs. A throne for my father, a chair for me while the rest for the Netherlands royal family.

As soon as we had entered, the attention of about hundred guests turned towards us, especially me. Their eyes bore into me as we made our way towards the podium. The other maids dissipted to do other tasks, however, Mabel stayed behind me.

The soldiers moved apart as we stepped on the podium and turned to face the guests.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my hearty welcome to all," father greeted all. "I am thankful to each one of you for your presence on this eventful night. On this auspicious occasion, two royal families finally bind with one another. It is with great pleasure that I annonce that my daughter Jane is to be wed with the Prince of Netherlands, Henry!"

Everyone applauded joyously as the doors to the dining hall opened and in entered the Netherlands's royal family. I sustained my curiousity by not glancing towards them and waiting for them to reach up to the podium so that I could have a good look at my to be husband and to be mother-in-law.

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