I try to reasure her that Rosé will do nothing, and I'll protect her and my baby at all cost. I know that this next 9 months won't be easy for the both of us, but will get through it. 


"HURRRRRRRRGH" this is the ninth time I get up this night, we can say that I have absolutely not slept, I just keep throwing up, again and again 

I finally finished preparing myself for school, when suddenly I heard a knock at the door

"Jen, if you are ready, let's take breakfast, before going to school" It was Lisa, I don't know why but at hearing her voice, my heart just beat so fast....probably the hormones "Y-yeah I'm coming" I then hurry up, take my back and went downstairs . 

"Goodmorning Jennie, take a sit, the made will serve us. As I didn't know what you like I told her to make a little bit of everything." I smile at her, this woman was really kind with me I then take a sit, and nodd as she explain everything to me "So how was your fisrt night here, are you comfortable ? Did the matress hurt your back too much ? Do you want to changes the shi-" But a voice interrupted her "Honey give her some slacks please" Lisa's dad was smiling at his wife, what a "perfect" family, at least the one I always wanted

Lisa was there beside me, but she didn't said anything till now 

"Well, I threw up ninth times, so I didn't really have a long sleep but beside that, the bed is very comfy, and even if it wasn't I'm very thankful for what y-" but she cut me off "Well stop there young lady, you're caring my grandchild so of course I want what is the best for you !"

Soon after, some garlic bread was served in front of me, but I felt a strong feeling of nausea...Owh no, not again !


I'm silent right now, my mom is talking with Jennie right now, and I don't really know what to do nor what to say, I mean we're not a thing with Jennie so it's strange to try to act like someone I am not. 

As we are eating, some garlic bread were served, but as I looked at Jennie she was feeling weir, she became pale 

"Hey are you fine" whisper in her hears, wich makes her a lil surprised "HMMM I-I think, I feel nauseous because of the garlic bread" she whisper back, oh I think that's her pregnancy nausea, yeah I read a lot of thing this night, about pregnancy and pregnant women behaviors, Jennie will have a lot of nausea the three first months, then it will normally stop, and then she'll have cravings, mood swings, faulse contractions "Ester can you take back the garlic bread !" ask our maid immediatly

"Lalisa is the garlic bread bad, did Jennie does not like it ???" my mom ask me in hurry while my dad waited for my answer "No, it's just that Jennie don't like the smell of garlic, she have nausea if she smells it, I don't want her to throw up again" my dad then nodd, and my mom smile at me and then look at Jennie "Well dear, that's part of pregnancy but after your third months that will be away or at least less" she then explain to Jennie who seems relieved about this new

After a while it was time to go to school, I already prepared myself to what will happen, I think that now, everyone is aware about the fact that Jennie is pregnant with my child. As I told her, I'll protect her 


The car ride to school is silent, nobody dare to talk or even look at each other, Jennie's hands are shaking, so I took them in my hand, her hands are so small and cute...She look at me surprised and I just smile at her for her to know that everything will be alright



As Jennie and Lisa entered in the school together, everyone shut their mouth and look at them, some were looking at Jennie with disgusted eyes, others were just staring at them. Jennie was really uncomfortable and Lisa felt it so she take her hand and caress it for Jennie to feel more at ease


"OHHHH ISN'T JENNIE KIM ? OR SHOULD WE CALLED HER SPREAD LEGS WOMAN !!!!" the blond girl say in a sarcastic mean tone, as her dogs were laughing



Yeah I know it's been a long time since the last update

But I have school and it's the last term before the end of the school year so I have to work again really hard !!!!

But as soon as I can I'll try to update more !!!

Enjoy reading and sorry for the grammar errors !!!!

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