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The morning sun cast a warm glow over the pit garage as Jimin, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol made their way through the bustling paddock. Their footsteps echoed against the concrete floor as they approached Taehyung's pit area, expecting to find him preparing for the day's races.

However, what they saw stopped them in their tracks.

There, amidst the mechanical hum of engines and the scent of motor oil, Taehyung was still in his racing gear from the night before, his eyes focused intently on the track simulator in front of him. His hands moved deftly over the controls, guiding the virtual car through hairpin turns and straightaways with precision.

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" Jimin asked, concern etching his voice as he approached his friend.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol exchanged worried glances, noticing the fatigue etched into Taehyung's features and the dark circles under his eyes.

Taehyung didn't look up from the screen as he replied, his voice tight with tension, "I need to practice. I can't afford to make any mistakes tonight."

Jimin frowned, reaching out to gently touch Taehyung's shoulder. "Tae, you need to rest. You haven't slept all night."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, realizing the toll Taehyung's OCD had taken on him after the loss in the previous night's race.

"I can't," Taehyung insisted, his voice wavering slightly. "I can't stop thinking about it, about how I lost. I need to get it right."

The three of them had a concerned look on their faces, understanding the weight of Taehyung's words. They knew all too well the struggles he faced with his OCD, but seeing him in this state was a stark reminder of the toll it took on him, especially in moments of defeat.

"Taehyung, winning isn't everything," Chanyeol said softly, his voice laced with empathy. "You're more than just your victories on the track."

Baekhyun nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the genuine concern he felt for his friend. "We're here for you, Tae. You don't have to go through this alone."

With their support, Taehyung finally relented, allowing himself to step away from the simulator and lean against the pit wall, exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave.

As Jimin, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol surrounded him in a comforting embrace, Taehyung felt a sense of relief wash over him.

Taehyung's determination burned bright in his eyes as he pushed himself away from the pit wall, his mind already racing ahead to the next challenge.

"I need to freshen up and get dressed," Taehyung declared, his voice resolute. "I have to go to JJK Ignite Industries and challenge Jeongguk for another race tonight."

Jimin, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were in shock to hear this, knowing that Taehyung was in no condition to race again so soon, especially after a sleepless night.

"Taehyung, you need to rest," Jimin insisted, his tone pleading. "You can't keep pushing yourself like this."

Baekhyun nodded in agreement, his expression filled with concern. "Your health is more important than any race, Tae. You need to take care of yourself."

But Taehyung shook his head adamantly, his resolve unwavering. "I can't rest until I make Jeongguk agree to another race. I need to prove myself, to show him that I'm not backing down."

Chanyeol sighed, knowing that arguing with Taehyung when he was in this state would be futile. "Fine, but promise us you'll take a break afterward. You need to recharge, both physically and mentally."

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