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Jung Hoseok, son of the illustrious CEO of Jung Interprises, was never one to shy away from the limelight. His charismatic personality and striking features had always made him the center of attention, whether he liked it or not. Today, however, was different. He found himself feeling oddly nervous as he waited for the other guest to arrive at the exclusive restaurant. The reason for this unusual sentiment was none other than the man he had been secretly infatuated with for months - Min Yoongi, the enigmatic and cold CEO of Min Corp.

Hoseok had first laid eyes on Yoongi at a business conference, and there had been something about the way he carried himself that had captivated him. Yoongi was known for his reserved nature and his reluctance to engage in relationships, but Hoseok couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He had spent the past few months trying to catch Yoongi's eye, and it seemed to be working. They had started seeing each other on a casual basis, and Hoseok had grown increasingly attached to him.

Tonight, however, was their first official date. Hoseok had chosen the restaurant himself, hoping that the intimate atmosphere and delicious cuisine would help them get to know each other better. As he waited for Yoongi to arrive, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. What if Yoongi didn't like the restaurant? What if he wasn't interested in pursuing anything more than a casual relationship? The what-ifs raced through his mind like a whirlwind, leaving him feeling slightly queasy.

Just as he was about to lose hope and start to believe that Yoongi might not show up, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway. It was him. Hoseok's heart leapt into his throat as he watched Yoongi make his way toward him, his confident stride leaving no doubt in Hoseok's mind that he had, indeed, come for their date. As Yoongi drew near, Hoseok couldn't help but wonder if tonight would be the night when he finally managed to break through Yoongi's icy exterior and reach the warm, loving man he knew was hidden beneath.

Yoongi took his seat across from Hoseok, their eyes meeting briefly before darting away shyly. Hoseok fought back a grin, taking in the sight of Yoongi in his tailored suit, looking every inch the powerful and successful businessman that he was. But there was also an undeniable softness to his features that Hoseok had never noticed before, and it made him feel as though they were sharing a secret.

Their waiter appeared and took their drink orders, giving Hoseok the opportunity to study Yoongi's profile as he spoke. He could feel the weight of his gaze, and he knew that Yoongi was just as nervous as he was. The anticipation in the air was almost palpable, and it was making Hoseok's heart race. When the waiter finally left, he could feel himself holding his breath, waiting for Yoongi to say something, anything.

"So," Yoongi began, his voice low and smooth, "you chose this place. I must admit, it's lovely." Hoseok exhaled shakily, relief washing over him. The tension between them seemed to ease a little, and they found themselves laughing and talking more easily. The conversation flowed naturally as they discussed their work, their families, and their shared love of food. Despite Yoongi's cold exterior, Hoseok could feel a connection growing between them, a spark that had been ignited the moment they had met.

As the evening progressed, they grew more comfortable with each other, sharing stories and secrets that they had never told anyone else. Hoseok felt as though he had known Yoongi for years, rather than mere months. When the check arrived, they didn't hesitate to pay it, each one hoping that the other would suggest another date soon. As they left the restaurant, hand in hand, Hoseok couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for them after all.

Their next date was just as magical as the first. They went on a picnic in the park, sharing a bottle of wine and laughing until their sides hurt. Yoongi seemed to have truly warmed up to Hoseok, and the affection between them was palpable. As they lay on the blanket, gazing up at the stars, Hoseok couldn't help but wonder if this was what it felt like to be truly in love.

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