Starting something

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(Note: this is before the power of us 1 and 2. books i'd made before. )

Lucky: (wakes up and yawns) 

Lucky: What day is it

(Lucky's face turns into shock)

FireBolt: Monday I guess

Dream: actually, its friday

Ray: Hey Eclipse, did you hear about the new challenge at pokeschool?

Eclipse: Yeah, I heard about it. It sounds pretty tough.

Ray: I'm excited for it though. I think we can take on any challenge together.

Eclipse: Absolutely. We make a great team.

Lucky: Hey guys, what's this challenge all about?

Ray: It's a new competition at pokeschool. They have a series of battles and puzzles to test our skills.

Lucky: Sounds fun! I hope I can join you guys.

Eclipse: Of course you can. We can always use another teammate.

Glacier (interrupting): Speaking of teammates, Eclipse, I heard you and Lucky have been pretty good friends lately.

Eclipse: Yeah, we've been getting to know each other better.

Glacier: Just a reminder, Eclipse, we are not supposed to be friends with other pokemon from different evolutions. It can cause problems in the hierarchy.

Eclipse: Come on, Glacier. That old rule doesn't apply anymore. We can all be friends here.

Glacier: I disagree. I prefer to stick with my fellow glaceons.

Lucky: Well, I'm grateful to have Eclipse as a friend. He's always there for me.

Eclipse: And I'm grateful to have Lucky as a friend too. We don't have to follow old traditions, we can create our own.

Glacier: Suit yourself. Just don't come crying to me when it causes trouble.

Ray: Oh come on, Glacier. Can't you see how great it is to have friends from different evolutions?

Glacier: I just prefer to stick to the rules.

Ray: Well, I guess it's just a matter of opinion. But for us, we'll always be there for each other, no matter what. Right guys?

Aria: Yeah!

Eclipse: *In mind*( Sure... Sure... I just hope there is no fighting type pokemon to attack me)

Mystic: What was that Eclipse?

Eclipse: Ack! She read my mind!

Mystic: I am a psychic type. *In mind*(I thought my moves are not effective at all on Dark Types)

Dream: Clover, have you noticed how Eclipse and Glacier are always at each other's throats?

Clover: Yes, it's been going on for weeks now. Why do you think they're always fighting?

Dream: I don't know, but it's causing a lot of tension within our group. I wish they could just put their differences aside and get along.

Clover: Maybe we should talk to them and try to find a solution.

Dream: That's a good idea. We should try to mediate and get to the root of their conflict.

Meanwhile, on a different street...

Aura (reading a note): 'Congratulations, you have been accepted into PokeSchool!' Yes! This is amazing news! I can't wait to learn everything there is to know about being a strong and skilled pokemon.

Back to Dream and Clover...

Dream: Do you think it has something to do with Eclipse's competitive nature and Glacier's cold demeanor?

Clover: It's definitely a possibility. Maybe we can plan a group activity to bring them together and help them see eye-to-eye.

Dream: That's a great idea! Let's invite them to a picnic tomorrow and hope they can work things out.

Clover: I have a feeling that with a little bit of effort, we can help them become friends instead of enemies.

Dream: Yes, and it will make our group even stronger. Plus, we could all use a little extra harmony in our lives.

Clover: Agreed. Let's do our best to bring Eclipse and Glacier together. And who knows, maybe they'll become as close as we are.

Dream: I have a good feeling about this. Things are looking up for our group.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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