7. (girl)friends who suffer together, stay together

Start from the beginning

" hey haz, do you want to talk about it or ? we don't have to, i just- i just want to make sure you're okay," you reached over to lightly pat her on her left thigh, driving to your house now. you pulled back your hand, looking forward now, but you felt hazel tug your hand back with her left hand holding it, in need of comfort.

she mostly stayed quiet the rest of the car ride, holding your hand and wiping her tears with her right hand, before she spoke up as you parked into your garage. though you couldn't quite hear what she said considering she mumbled it, you turned to face her before squeezing her hand back in support.

" sorry haz, um i didn't quite catch that, do you mind repeating that," she chewed on her lip before facing you with her body but not looking up to meet your eyes.

" i'm so fuckin embarrassed." you heard a little more clearly this time around though it was still nothing above than a whisper. you frowned at her response squeezing her hand again.

" hazel, there's nothing to be embarr-."

" please n/n don't say that. i tried so hard to hide that side of my mom away from you for a good reason, i know you see her like a second mom and i just didn't want you to think differently of her, or of me if you saw that. but now you have, and even worse it was with jeff of all fuckin people." hazel quickly explained, moving her hands to talk now, still avoiding eye contact. she faced forward again resting her head against the seat, closing her eyes.

" haz, please look at me," you grabbed her forearm trying to get her to look at you which slightly worked. she turned her head to the side and opened her eyes at you, staring lazily back at your e/c eyes. " i could never think differently about you or your mom, even after witnessing that, sure i would have preferred not to but i'm more concerned that you have been dealing this and had no one to talk to about this. it's obviously affecting you."

hazel stares at your eyes before blinking slowly and breathing out, she nodded stiffly.

" i'm so sorry that you had to see that, i should have known."

" hey, hey. don't apologize, okay. i understand, i'm sorry you had to go through this alone, i'm here now okay, so please don't feel embarrassed or hesitant to come to me if you need anything," you tucked some hair behind her ear, smiling softly at her before moving to exit the car. " come on, i'll make you some hot chocolate to feel better."

you two exited the car for a second time before moving to enter your house, your parents were currently standing in the kitchen with your mom cooking dinner and your dad typing away at his computer on the island.

" hello mrs. and mr. l/n..." hazel greeted, waving shyly and in a quiet tone, still recovering from before.

" hazel, it's so good to see you dear !" your mom replied, moving away from stirring whatever it was in the pot on the stove to give you and hazel a hug. your mom placed her hands on hazel's shoulders, looking her up and down. " have you gotten taller over the summer, hazel ? doesn't she look taller, honey ?"

your mom looked back towards your dad who finally looked from his computer, his eyes widening at the appearance of hazel. he stood up just to initiate dad pose, which was arms crossed over each other and legs spread apart in a stance.

" kiddo, feel like we haven't seen you since, what, this may before you went off to help out with your uncle. finally made it over to have dinner, huh ?" you stood a bit behind hazel, making a cutting motion at your neck seemingly trying to tell your parents to " cut it out". your dad just looked confused, while your mom nodded with a smile understanding what you meant.

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