The Young Poineers' Everlasting Summer

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The crimson summer now grows pale;

Clear, bright days now soar away;

Hazy mist spreads through the vale,

As the sleeping night turns gray;

The barren cornfields lose their gold;

The lively stream has now turned cold;

The curly woods are gray and stark,

And the heavens have grown dark.

Where are you, my light, Natassia?

No one's seen you, — I lament.

Don't you want to share the passion

Of this moment with a friend?

You have not yet met with me.

By the pond, or by our tree,

Though the season has turned late,

We have not yet had a date.

Winter's cold will soon arrive,

Fields will freeze with frost, so bitter.

In the smoky shack, a light,

Soon enough, will shine and glitter.

I won't see my love, — I'll rage,

Like a finch, inside a cage,

And at home, depressed and dazed,

I'll recall Natassia's grace.

‐---------By Alexander Pushkin

The midsummer sun was dazzling, and the scorching sun at noon seemed to tan the Sanctuary plants. This was a heat wave attack even the shelter that belonged to the goddess could not stop. Several children out there just took advantage of the short lunch break to sit together and chat. But they were about to speak one minute and be quiet the next due to exhaustion from training and heat, and the scorching temperature took away the joy of play that should belong to their children's daily lives. They lost the energy to run and jump. Moreover, they must find topics to chat with, such as their long-absent friends.

"Why isn't the Aquarius kid stay with us? Oh, and the Virgo kid, too," said Milo, who is under 7 years old and about to ask his question curiously

"Why even bother to ask?''Deathmask answered snappishly.

"The sons of a wealthy family like them will not be with us even if we all live in a saints training life."

"Are they rich?" Milo wondered

"Certainly."Saga answered him, "The grandfather of that Aquarius kid was a fairly important member of Freemasonry in Europe, and his family is also one of the chronically largest donors of us. That Virgo kid came from an Indian Brahman family. They are not from ordinary backgrounds, so the Sanctuary has to give them special favours that allow them to be educated at home and not need to be sent here until they receive the Clothe."

" Is that so?"Milo was disappointed: ''It would be great if there were more guys to play with us, but since becoming a gold saint in the future is destined to give up their name and be separated from their family, what is the point of their parents are still not letting go of teaching them?"

"You don't understand, kid. It's us who need to be separated from our family, but they may not be; even though it seems like we are about to do the same job and all of us have to end up leaving home, they are still destined to be in the higher positions than us, even if their strength probably not as strong as ours, we will never be the Same,'' said Deathmask.

The young Poineers'everlasting summerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें