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Lucky BobaTea: an Eevee

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Lucky BobaTea: an Eevee



Despite his playfulness, Lucky Bobatea was known for being incredibly polite and well-mannered. He never interrupted anyone and always waited patiently for his turn to speak. His friends often teased him for being so proper, but they also admired him for it. He was the one they could always count on to be respectful and considerate of others.

 He was the one they could always count on to be respectful and considerate of others

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Aria Vaporwave: Vaporeon

Gender: Female

Enemies: None

Aria is a very adventurous and curious Pokémon. She loves exploring and trying new things, which often leads her to jump into situations without much thought. However, she is also very kind and caring, always willing to help others and make new friends. She has a positive attitude and loves making others smile.

 She has a positive attitude and loves making others smile

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Ray ThunderFlash: Jolteon

Gender: Male

Enemies: FireBolt

Ray is a competitive and ambitious jolteon, always striving to be the best in everything he does. He is confident in his abilities and often comes across as cocky, but deep down, he genuinely cares for the well-being of others. Ray is also a natural-born leader and is always willing to take charge in a difficult situation.

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