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"Soobin truth or dare!"

"What do you like most about Yeonjun?"

"Everything about him is perfect"

Yeonjun's face turned a deep shade of red, his embarrassment evident as he sought refuge in the comforting embrace of Taehyun's neck. Taehyun, understanding his boyfriend's discomfort, gently patted his back in a soothing manner. The sight of Yeonjun's bashfulness brought a smile to the faces of Soobin, who couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable display of affection.

In a mischievous whisper, Taehyun suggested to his older brother figure, Yeonjun, that they should try to make their beloved Soobin and Beomgyu feel a tinge of jealousy. Yeonjun, catching on to the playful plan, reciprocated Taehyun's gesture by patting his back, giving his consent to the idea.

"Isn't Taehyunnie so cute today?"

Yeonjun complimented Taehyun on his cuteness, expressing admiration for his appearance. Taehyun responded with a giggle, showing his appreciation for the kind words. Yeonjun then playfully pinched Taehyun's cheeks, further emphasizing his affection for his friend.

"If I wasn't dating Soobin, I'll date you"

The tension in the air was palpable as Soobin and Beomgyu struggled to mask their feelings of envy. Their boyfriends seemed oblivious to the silent exchange happening between the two friends, engrossed in their own conversation.

HueningKai, on the other hand, couldn't help but find the situation amusing, his laughter threatening to bubble to the surface. As he savored the last bite of his egg tart, he couldn't help but wonder how the cat brothers' plan would unfold and what surprises lay ahead for everyone involved.

Soobin swiftly pulled Yeonjun away from Taehyun's reach and began passionately kissing him. Yeonjun let out a soft whimper and responded to the kiss. The unexpected turn of events left him surprised. Meanwhile, Taehyun and HueningKai watched in shock as the scene unfolded before them.

HueningKai casually finished the last bite of his egg tart, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

On the other hand, Beomgyu couldn't help but gaze at Taehyun, particularly focusing on his attractive lips.

The tension in the room was palpable as everyone processed what was happening in front of them.

Soobin and Yeonjun passionately engaged in a fervent display of affection, their lips locked in a passionate embrace, right before the eyes of the three individuals present. The intensity of their make out session reached its peak, only to abruptly come to an end after a duration of ten minutes.

Astonishingly, the duo swiftly transitioned back to their previous demeanor, as if the passionate encounter had never occurred, leaving the onlookers bewildered by the sudden shift in their behavior.

"So.. Where were we?"

HueningKai ceased his gaming session on his phone and shifted his attention towards the couple.

Beomgyu and Taehyun emerged from the guest room upon hearing Soobin's voice.

10 minutes earlier

Beomgyu's gaze fixated on Taehyun's captivating lips, prompting him to lead Taehyun to a separate room.

With a swift motion, he gently patted Taehyun's back, capturing his attention. Taehyun, perplexed, tilted his head in curiosity. A soft chuckle escaped Beomgyu's lips as he carefully scooped Taehyun up, cradling him under the armpits, reminiscent of how one would lift a delicate feline.

Placing Taehyun gently on the bed, Beomgyu quietly shut the door. Preferring the warmth of cuddling with his beloved, he decided to divert his attention from the amorous couple.

Without wasting any time, Beomgyu hopped onto the bed and positioned himself behind Taehyun, allowing him to sit comfortably on his lap. Embracing Taehyun's waist with his arms, Beomgyu
showered his face with affectionate kisses. In response, Taehyun nestled his head affectionately into the crook of Beomgyu's neck.

Both of them relished in each other's company, cherishing these precious moments for a delightful span of ten minutes.

Present Time

"You two are such hopeless romantics," HueningKai remarked, observing Beomgyu and Taehyun settling back onto the ground. Yeonjun, on the other hand, was visibly flustered, sitting beside Soobin and choosing his words carefully. Soobin, being the responsible one, was keeping a watchful eye on Yeonjun to ensure he didn't engage in any mischievous behavior.

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