Imagine 1: Caught In The Rain🌸 (Lucifer)

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Pairing: Demon! Y/N x Lucifer

*summary: Y/N has met Lucifer a few times--due to working for his daughter, Charlie--but one night, while Y/N is trying to get back to the hotel, it starts to rain heavily, until suddenly Y/N feels a pair of wings protect her from the rain by none other than Lucifer himself.*

You walk hurriedly on the sidewalk of Pentagram City, hands tucked under your thin black coat to keep you warm as the clouds overhead begin to darken and rumble. 

Another rainstorm brewing in Hell. And might you add that rainstorms in Hell are never pretty. In fact, they're brutal. Merciless. Some days, it is acid rain, others, it is droplets of blood that stings when it touches skin...whatever rain Hell has to offer, it's never an enjoyable process. 

And since you happen to lack an umbrella due to your idiot self, telling you that you don't need're here now. In the midst of Pentagram city, with the storm brewing above in the painted red Hell's sky, and your destination still a long way away. 

With a heavy sigh, you pick up the pace, realizing that your time is lessening, and if you want to make it back to the Hazbin Hotel before you get drenched in Hell's version of rain, you need to move it. 

Your legs begin to get into the motion of a speedwalk as you feel the first droplet of rain--acid. Instinctively, you begin to sprint. Acid rain...the worst kind of rain to be dealing with. Unlike blood, acid burns through the clothes and eats away bits and pieces of demon skin and flesh. 

You'd much rather deal with blood stains on your clothes then acid burns. Fucking Hell...

As the rain begins to drop at a more rapid rate, you find yourself completely running, blind to anyone or anything happening around you. The only focus on your mind right now, is to find shelter before your flesh is eaten raw by this acid. 

Upon running, you suddenly collide into that of the body of a man. The impact causing both you and him to stumble and fall rear ended on the sidewalks with loud grunts of pain. 

"Ow! What in the unholy name!-" the man curses, one gloved hand raised to hold his white hat steady before it could fall into the puddle beside him on the street, an obvious frown on his pale, doll faced like features. 

You raise your head, a hand to the side of your temple where you felt a ring of pain rush through you from the collision, before your eyes fall upon the man before you, fear and panic flooding your chest. 

You just ran into none other than...Lucifer Morningstar. 

A name you know to well--he is the King of Hell/fallen Angel of Heaven, after all, that and you happen to work for his only daughter, Charlie, at her rehabilitating center called the Hazbin Hotel.

Still...the fact that HE was the one you ran into blindly. 

You stutter. "I-I am so so soooo sorry, Your Highness. I-I didn't see you there and I-"

"Oh, it's just you," Lucifer looks at you, his harsh frown slowly turning into that of a soft and understanding expression when he recognizes your voice and face.

He's seen you more than once at the hotel--he's even had a brief meeting with you a couple times here and there to ask questions about either yourself, or your business with his daughter. Despite being a sinner and a demon, you always appeared somewhat shy to Lucifer, even a little innocent. But that could be for many reasons, one being that Lucifer is THE KING OF HELL. A title like that makes demon's shit scared. 

 A little half smile tugs at his lips, as he rises to his feet. "No harm done, Y/N," he runs a hand up and down his white attire which is...slightly stained from the sidewalk's filth. You felt a tinge of guilt because of it.

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