Chapter 6: May Today Last Eternal (Part 1)

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Current objective:

You have successfully not captured the heart of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. But as love starts when you least expected, go and apologise to Ayanokouji by fulfilling whatever he desires. Success will depend upon Ayanokouji's satisfaction.




There is no winning without losing.

Hiyori is well aware of this.

From her 15 times of failures, she finally had a realisation.

And losing her 16th today, she set up the piece for another.

With that, everything is simply set.

What Ayanokouji truly desired. How Ayanokouji can be truly satisfied. And how this trial can be truly cleared.

Whether she will pass the dependent entirely on whether she is right.

At least she hoped so.

Because she will sacrifice everything on this loop.

And so, the 17th today begins.

A today that will be forgotten by one. And a today that will be unforgotten by another.

All traces of joys and regrets...all the meanings they carried...

May it last forever in her heart.



Ayanokouji woke up with his eyes frowning.

"I'm pretty sure I put the seat aside yesterday..."

Yesterday, after they came and went from the shopping mall, Ayanokouji took time to clean up the room, including putting the seat beside his bed back to where it belonged.

And yet, what greeted him in his morning is the same seat, right beside his bed as if untouched.

The sense of bizarreness didn't end there.

He explored further as he stood up. An exploration usually involved the unknown, yet this time, it is his own room that was unfamiliar to him.

The table with the uncleaned tea cups, the the kitchen sink with none of the plates he cleaned was found, and the table with none of the book he read is placed.

In this instant, his own room felt familiar yet distantly forbidding.

Ayanokouji closed his eyes, not out of tiredness or panic, but calmness.

Let's reevaluate the situation.

He recently received a ticket from Hiyori that would allow him to fulfil his 'true' desire.

And now...his room is in a state where everything is out of place., it isn't like that.

Come to think of it, isn't the seat always placed beside his bed 'yesterday' as well?

The tea cup that should have been cleaned, the plates that should have been put aside in the sink and the book that should have been placed on the table.

All of them...should've already been part of 'yesterday'.

..., he cannot jump to conclusion yet.

His years worth of logic and knowledge demanded him to await more evidences.

At the very least...until everything is put in place.

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