Chapter 2: First Confession

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"Just sit over there and we'll talk later."

"...thank you for your hospitality."

"Yeah yeah..."

Ibuki grumbled as she slumped down onto her bed, her eyes glancing forward as Hiyori slowly sat down at the chair, before settling both hands onto her thighs, a habit of manners from the tea ceremony club.





"...oi, say something."

Hiyori blinked, mouth frowning. She was going to greet Ibuki first by asking about her injury, but then the words stuck in her throat.

The basic manner for social interaction is to avoid discussing what others hate, especially if their relationship is not particularly close. 'Ibuki-san', to Hiyori, is always a straightforward person who disliked being lost or helpless. If Hiyori guessed correctly, Ryuen must have plotted something before the vacation.

And taking her failure to contact Ryuen, Ishizaki, and Albert by phone, their silences heavily imply one thing.

Hiyori closed her eyes and took a deep, deep breath. She sought Ibuki for consultation, but the name Ayanokouji must not be mentioned here so that Ibuki's mind can be taken elsewhere to whatever happened before the vacation.


And so, she constructed her words in the simplest manner that Ibuki can understand.

"I want to consult you about love."




"...I want to consult you abo-"

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait-"

Ibuki, flustered, flailed her arm in front of Hiyori, who tilted her head in reaction to the bizarre movement.


As Ibuki gasped, Hiyori blinked again. "I want to know how to confess to someone properly."

Watching Hiyori's blank look, Ibuki squinted her eyes.

"...have you gone insane?"

'Hiyori Shiina', in Ibuki's eyes, is a total shut-in.

A girl whose pretty appearance is but a waste to her bookworm nature, a hopeless introvert who would rather spare a glance at a dusty old book at the corner rather than any classmate right beside her.

Little needs to be said, the word 'bizarre' doesn't even cut it for the fact that Hiyori is asking about 'love'.

"In the first place, why ask me?" Ibuki questioned, scratching her head. "I don't even know you that well. And you think this...uh, shitty, angry, and impulsive personality of mine is gonna attract any good attention? Let alone lo-love...?"

"On the contrary, your impulsiveness can be described as 'decisiveness', Ibuki-san." Hiyori rebutted without a second thought. "And please do not put yourself down like this. I overheard many girls in our class has already stated how reliable you are, and some boys even openly said how cute and-"

"Stop, not another word or I'll strangle myself."

"...I understand."

Ibuki sighed, before standing her arm on her thigh and resting her head on her palm, gazing at Hiyori who was now smiling.

She had a suspicion at first, that the girl in front of her wished to ask about that 'incident', but what came out was infinitely more shocking.

Now that Ibuki cleared her mind, she can...somewhat understand why Hiyori asked her out of all people for a...uh, love consultation. For times like organizing the class positions for sports events, she has a clear head to help things go here and there. Other times, however, her social skill went completely wack. She couldn't count how many times her classmates went up to her for a conversation, only to be struck with dead air and Hiyori staring at them as if contemplating whether a dragon can eat its own tail.

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