Chapter 2: Flames

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POV Daemon Targaryen

When Daemon saw the young Queen walking along the beach, the only thing that came to his mind was how small and imposing she was, around her, she had all that aura of confidence, power and love, her people did not hesitate to raise their weapons to protect her, without her making any move to warn them of a threat, that was loyalty and the rest was just lies, words that were carried away by the wind. The man also could not help but see that despite all the power, the woman felt alone, misunderstood, no one but a dragon can understand another.

The most surprising and unexpected thing for Daemon was the movement of Caraxes, in his long life as a rider, he had never seen him voluntarily and willingly approach someone other than himself, for a moment, the man thought he was going to attack the young Dragon, but then he heard the tinkling laughter and the affectionate squeak of his dragon. Daemon watched Daenerys at that moment with great attention, yes, he had seen how beautiful she was before, but just at that very moment caressing his son as if he were a sweet little puppy and not a beast that could tear armies apart in seconds, was when he saw her for the first time with new eyes, the true dragon woman, someone with a connection similar to his own with the winged animals.

When Daemon touched Daenerys' soft skin for the first time, he noticed a surprisingly familiar warmth, it made him feel at peace, a rare thing in his mind, he showed her where Caraxes had a weakness for caresses, and she gladly indulged him, his mount seemed happier than ever to be caressed by the Queen. He even less expected the warm welcome that the young woman's children had, his dragon had always been alone, the sound of his deviated septum did not allow him to communicate easily with the other dragons, he was always sad, he felt that no one loved him, except Daemon himself, until now, when he saw him being caressed by a tiny woman and playing with the other three dragons as if they had known each other since they hatched from the egg.

That brought him to this very moment, standing behind the Dragon Queen, silently watching as each of her allies and advisors asked her absurd questions, did they really believe they could tame a dragon? Smiling to himself, he realized that the small woman in front of him was about to set her advisors on fire. Daemon also realized several things, even though the Martells, seemed to thirst for vengeance, they were loyal to the Queen's cause, they did not look down on her with contempt or dishonor, the same was true of Yarah Greyjoy, she admired her little dragon so much, that she would defend her honor and pride even if she perished in battle, but instead, Olenna Tyrell, seemed to watch Daenerys with a love she could only see in the family, she looked at her as if she were her own granddaughter, one thing was certain, her dragon knew how to choose her allies, besides, all women? The men of the mainland would never know what an angry woman was, but an angry woman with power? They would flee when they saw that they were stronger than them.

The advisors, the Lion who bites the person who cured and accepted him, seemed bewildered, distrustful, there was no hint of love towards his Queen, he only seemed to judge her, Varys on the other hand, watched the woman in front of him as if at any moment he could be whipped by madness and lose hrt temper, deciding to burn the whole world, although Daemon knew that if that was the wish of his little dragon, he would gladly ride Caraxes by her side and they would destroy together everything in their path.

"IT'S OVER!" she shrieked above the voices, striking the table with her palms, causing some pieces to fall to the floor and others to fall on the table, all except the three-headed dragon, which seemed to stand upright on the board and not tipped over like the rest. "I will decide how to attack Kings Lading, me together with my sons and my armies, I do not need that with every step I take towards a different option, you close that path because you do not see it right, when you fight in battles and win them, then you will have a say in strategic moves"

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