Chapter 1

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The only thing Daemon felt as he fell from Caraxes, was the cold air against his cheeks, the taste of salt in the breeze, what he heard under the beating of his heart, between the waves was the Valyrian song that sang to his dragons, it transmitted calm and serenity, his sight, rose towards his precious dragon, fighting without rest and trying to reach him, a small smile was drawn on his face thinking of those he was leaving behind, knowing that it was the end of the life he knew, but at the same time, he knew that his life, did not end there. When his body met the icy mass of salt water, the last thing he saw was a rain of fire and the roar of an unknown dragon and in his last breath, everything went black.

He awoke with a start and a choking sensation, his lungs craved air more than ever, his clouded vision began to clear as he regained his slow breathing and his breath, a sea breeze let him know he was home, but something was not right. Looking around, Daemon recognized his quarters, but they were devoid of life, they were cold, as if no one had lived there long ago, he tried to stand up slowly, feeling the tiredness in his joints, how long had he been asleep, where was his family, why didn't he hear the song of his dragons in the wind? Quietly and taking small steps, he looked out one of the windows, there were no armies there, no guards, it seemed so... Empty What had happened?

Determined, he walked towards the doors, it was still hard to stand, but he was Daemon Targaryen and he would not sit around waiting for an explanation, his eyes went through every wall and nook of the place, there was no light, no banners, no noise, he turned through the corridors towards the throne room, looking for someone, but once again the disappointment gathered in his chest, again, loneliness. He looked at the walls with delicacy and there he found some banners, but they were not the right ones, a deer and not a dragon? What the hell had happened in his home? He walked angrily and pulled them, one by one, falling to the floor full of dust and sand.

"A Targaryen alone in the world, it's a terrible thing isn't it Daemon?" whispered a gentle voice behind his back.

He turned his body sharply toward the sound, and there in the shadows was a woman, dressed in red, her night-black hair flowing smoothly across her shoulders.

"Who are you, what's supposed to have happened here?" he asked walking decisively, but still with a great doubt in the back of his mind. "Am I dead?"

"You should be, but the Lord of Light had a plan for you, you were to meet the one you were really meant for, someone at your height, with your fire" commented the woman with no hint of fear in her voice, just gentleness. "We'd better sit down, prepare some food, you must be hungry and there is much you must understand before she arrives."

"Who's coming?" ask forcefully, still wary.

"The Dragon Queen, of course, she is fire made woman, let's sit down and I will start with the explanation" she walked to one of the chairs waiting for Daemon to sit across from her patiently. "My name, is Kinvara and I am here to help the offspring of my Lord of Light."

Daemon sat across from her, watching as she placed pieces of fruit on his plate and some venison in sauce, he slowly brought a piece of fruit to his mouth and the sweet juices slid smoothly against his taste buds, he closed his eyes enjoying the taste, it had been too long since he had eaten. His eyes met again with the unexpected guest, waiting for her to continue with her explanation.

"Go ahead, explain yourself" comment impatiently.

"Very well, I will begin by being honest, you are not in your time, not anymore at least, your children have long since perished, as you should have done, but.... The Lord of Light, knew that someone would need you and you would need that person too, 200 years ago you fell in battle but you never died, you only remained in waiting, your body remained in protection of the Lord, just like your dragon soul, protected by the flames" his eyes watched carefully every movement of the woman, not wanting to believe what was happening, but at the same time, he knew that something was wrong. "The fall of your house was something that should never have happened, but your line became weak, maddened and of poor descent, the Mad King practically exterminated the Targaryen, let the people distrust them, let them not respect them, the dragons ceased to exist 100 years ago, no one could follow a King without honor or capacity for reason, so a rebellion began, all died, except two little children who were exiled, hidden in Essos, the boy, kept the madness of his father, but the little girl, born with the flame inside her, she was the last dragon, in exile, her life was hard and stormy, but it taught her what it was to be no one and on her own feet, she became Queen, freed slaves, became Khaleesi of the Dothraki, she has under her command all of Essos of her own free will, they are free but they follow her by her heart, though the most endearing thing about her, was that she brought the dragons back to life, she went into the flames with nothing and came out of them with her three children, she is on her way home, my lord, she brings to these lands, the largest army known, three adult dragons, plus great allied houses, not by word, but by loyalty to the dragons again, but.... She is alone, there are no more dragons, her advisors are not worthy of her love or trust and her love for the people, her kindness, will bring her to ruin."

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