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Name:Y/n dreemur
soul:y/n soul is a bit diffrent, he has a red soul but with a little upside down white heart in the middle which indicates at some point y/n took a monsters soul

Name:Y/n dreemurHeight:5'1Age:17soul:y/n soul is a bit diffrent, he has a red soul but with a little upside down white heart in the middle which indicates at some point y/n took a monsters soulLooks

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hero outfit

Likes:monsters of the underground,mark,samantha,chocolate

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Likes:monsters of the underground,mark,samantha,chocolate

Dislikes:humans(some exceptions),omni-man


 y/n's determination allows him to see and spawn large stars of light that allow him to SAVE,which allows him to heal massive injuries such as a missing leg and arm and if y/n manages to die if his soul doesn't mend back to together he can "respawn" at the save points he places around,he can also "load his savepoint"to repeat any action to repeat any action that happend after it

"shortcuts"as y/n puts it, he uses his savepoints locations to telepport to that location without having to load that save file

y/n can summon red magical knives that do massive amounts of damage to people who have 'sinned' and the people hit by it will have continous damage given to them this is known as Karma which means the more people have sinned the more karma damage is done to them 

Knife mastery
y/n is very well known to be skilled with using knives

Shield mastery
y/n is skilled with mixing his shield with their fighting skills to block attacks or use it offensively

Sword mastery
Like their knife, y/n is skilled with using their sword in battles

y/n is very skilled at a particular type of magic known as 'chromatic magic' he mainly uses this type of magic to defend himself

Chromatic magic
y/n is able to shape and manipulate chromatic magic, forming tangible constructs of energy, such as his sword,shield and a knife if his original one breaks

super human speed
y/n can move at speeds that it makes almost impossible for most to predict his next move

Super human strength
y/n is capable of pushing omni-man back a few inches with a barrage of punches,and he brutally bruise normal people's arms with just a single punch

Glitch Teleportation
y/n can teleport to other places when they are about to be hit by other attacks to avoid them.

Enhanced skills
Driven by HATE, y/n's Determination leads them to focus on their priority and to make sure it's done

a substance that resides in y/n that if he starts to become angry or someone makes him angry then hate will activate inside of him and enhance everything of y/n,if y/n happens to become furious then hate will completely take over his body which results in his body being covered in the black substance the only thing that is noticable is his blood red eyes and his red thin smile

ERASE button
y/n can build an alternate reset button that erases the timeline from the Universe permanently he doesn't use this ability unless the whole universe in danger, the closest he was to using this button was when omni-man almost killed mark and when y/n's body was completely taken over by hate but he was stopped by omni-man

Rainbow knife
y/n's signature knife that he always has on him,it has all 7 human soul traits inside of it,plus hate which y/n has infused some of it into the blade which allows y/n to use the knife for any purpose.the knife also changes color to indicate what soul the blade is currently in use, the abilities the knife is able to use will be listed down below.
99 attack: if y/n is able to strike the soul of a person directly he can cause 99 damage which destroys the soul almost instantly
Red slashes:A powerful slash that creates an explosion on impact
Aura slash:The knife absorbed y/n's black aura, and have smoke coming out of the knife, releasing a powerful slash projectile
Dark red slashes:similar to the Red Slashes, however, they need to be activated in order to start moving which allows y/n to hit enemies when they least suspected
Red shield:This shield surrounds a certain area, which explodes after a few seconds or when activated
Special hell:When stabbing the knife into a physical surface (like the ground most of the time shown with y/n), red energy will spread across it. Then, the energy will quickly go upwards and damage any opponents in the location
Orange blade:Functions like the Red Slashes, but can be moved to a certain direction before it impacts
Yellow blade:This blade shoots projectiles at its enemy, and the attack can be charged in order for the projectile to deal more damage, the size of the projectile increases as well when charged
Green blade:wherever this blade is slashed, a powerful green shield will spawn
Cyan blade:A sticky string comes out of the blade's tip and attaches itself to its enemy, it can be cut off to be detached. When the string is pulled by the blade it cuts through their enemy like a sword
Blue blade:the blade of the knife disappears and is replaced with an energy blade instead. The length of the blade can be controlled by y/n. It is slightly stronger than the Red Slash
Purple blade:It sends a triple-slash attack that will always pass through one attack and will explode on the next thing it crashes against
Black blade:this blade creates a large orb of HATE that y/n sends towards his enemies

File 0
when hate is active in y/n he can use an ability called "File 0" which allows him to manipulate their LV(Love), HP(health points), ATK(attack), DEF(defense) at their own will

But it refused
if y/n manages to be extremely determined, and if he dies in during battle, y/n can immediately return to the battle with maximum HP as if their soul had never been damaged


?????????????(yall have to wait until very later on in the series to see what this is)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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