Chapter 16-20

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Chapter 16 He has a bad kidney

Shen Ruojiao complained in her heart, this guy named He Yu really doesn't know how to chat with girls, doesn't he know what it means to see through but not say it?

It's also a blessing that he has a handsome face that can be called a top-level god face, otherwise with his iron-clad masculine personality that can talk a topic to death in a minute, I'm afraid he won't be able to find a wife in the future.

However, it must be said that although this guy rejected her invitation to chat, Shen Ruojiao didn't feel embarrassed, and even felt relieved.

The first dish served by the flight attendant was the dishes that He Yu and Gu Hui had ordered before.

There were not many dishes to choose from on the dining car, and the dishes they ordered were also the same, with only slight differences, for example, there was no spicy and sour potato shreds, but there was one more dish of stir-fried pork with green peppers, and the rice was filled in an aluminum lunch box for each person.

The dishes ordered by Shen Ruojiao and Tong Yuanyuan had not yet arrived.

Gu Hui followed the flight attendant to ask for two more pairs of chopsticks, and also brought up the rice ordered by Tong Yuanyuan, so that they could eat together.

Shen Ruojiao opened the aluminum lunch box she brought with her. There were twenty dumplings with pork and leek stuffing made by Ms. Song Xueping, and she gave five to each person at the table.

Tong Yuanyuan gave half of her rice to Shen Ruojiao.

Gu Hui divided his rice into a few chopsticks for Tong Yuanyuan, nudged He Yu with his elbow, and glanced at Shen Ruojiao, signaling He Yu to follow suit.

He Yu thought for a moment, and put the aluminum lunch box containing rice and five dumplings in front of Shen Ruojiao: "I haven't touched the rice yet, add as much as you want."

Shen Ruojiao came from the future, and didn't like to eat too much staple food. Usually, she didn't eat a full bowl of rice, and preferred to eat more vegetables.

"No, this is enough." She pushed the aluminum lunch box back in front of He Yu, "I'm serious, I'm not being polite."

He Yu looked at Shen Ruojiao's aluminum lunch box, which contained five dumplings and half a bowl of rice, and frowned: "You are very slim, you don't need to lose weight."

Shen Ruojiao glared: "I'm not losing weight!"

Seeing He Yu's obviously unbelieving look, she whispered: "I prefer meat and vegetables."

He Yu then put the aluminum lunch box back in front of herself, and then, with clean chopsticks, picked up a piece of fat and lean braised pork and put it in Shen Ruojiao's lunch box: "Well, eat it. If it's not enough, you can order a few more dishes."

Shen Ruojiao: ...

She doesn't eat that much.

Well, this He Yu doesn't seem to be so stubborn, he is quite considerate.

Gu Hui watched the interaction between the two, his face full of interest.

Oh my god, this is the first time He Yu picks food for a woman other than his family!

This guy must be interested in Comrade Shen, hehe!

It's no wonder, after all, Shen Ruojiao is really beautiful. Although she is just a girl from a small town, she has a clear personality and is confident and generous. She is no worse than those famous girls, and even more lively.

The 1970s female educated youth is both beautiful and fierceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat