Fanfiction Judging Form

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This is going to be the complete form below. You can either fill it out in Google Forms, or you can do it here!

The Fanfiction Judge Form

What is your username?

What would you like us to call you? (What name would you like us to call you?)

How many books would you like to judge?

What is your past judging experience?

Are you going to enter in any books?

What do you like about Fanfiction and novels?

Happy to do mature books and/or LGBTQ+ books?

What kind of fanfiction books/styles would you like to judge?

Rules For Being a Judge

1. You must be PATIENT!

2. You must fill out the ENTIRE form, or you'll be disqualified.

3. Tell the team if you have questions, or if someone is trying to get promoted or be rude in the comments section.

4. To be a judge, you must follow this account as well.

How To Choose between books:

If you're looking for some ideas on how to choose which book should go to round two, please read this section here.

Step 1: Choose the books you dislike. Make sure to be nice about it to the author, or you'll not be a judge.

Step 2: Look at the TWENTY-FIVE BEST book titles.

Step 3: Look at the BLURB. Is the description just, right? Does it match the story and plot WELL enough? For the BEST blurbs, select FIVE books to add to your list.

Step 4: Look at the descriptions, plot, characters, and all that good stuff. Now look at your list to make sure that you have THIRTY books selected. Now, choose your top TWENTY-FIVE favorites.

Step 5: Check the GENRE and make sure it's in the RIGHT place! If it's in a different genre, make sure to ask the author why it's wrong. Make the message look PROFESSIONAL.

Step 6: Choose FIVE books to pass the test. Make sure to double-check your answers!

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