Mystery Medallion

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     Stephen took a familiar position at the end of a non-descript and rarely visited hallway in his school. To the uninitiated, the tall, muscular, senior taking an uncomfortable squatting position at the end of under visited hallway would be strange, and in fairness it was. The reason why Stephen was taking an uncomfortable squatting position at the end of this underused hallway is because the wall at the end of this hall contained a convenient hole in the concrete. A hole that went all the way through to the room on the other side of the wall: the girl's locker room. A hole Stephen noticed when he was a sophomore and a hole which has since then not been filled in, allowing Stephen to take part in his usual past time of ogling over the naked girls on the other side of the wall. Stephen wasn't quite sure why he took part in this. He was a senior, and a well built one at that. Any one of these girls would probably fall over his feet to be with him, and he could get a show without having to look through a hole in the wall, but Stephen just did it.

     Stephen became distracted when he heard a familiar tone from the phone in his pocket. The tone he gave to his girlfriend. He knew what it was without looking at it, they typically met in between classes to talk for a few seconds, when he wasn't being a peeping Tom that is. Stephen quickly abandoned his peeping activity not wanting to deal with the fallout of keeping his girlfriend, Julie, waiting. Julie had some fight to her, which is why Stephen picked her to be his steady girlfriend and not just another target of a peep show. It also meant that he would get an earful for being late.

     As he began a jog to their usual spot, Stephen felt a light impact on his head followed by a clanging sound on the floor. Some coin or medallion had fallen from somewhere, hitting him lightly on the head and then falling to the ground. Stephen picked up the curiosity and then looked to the ceiling to find a possible place where the thing could have come from. He couldn't see anything that stuck out to him. He then glanced down to look at the coin itself. It was about the size of a quarter, with a gold color and two strange glyphs on either side. Stephen could only guess that it was some foreign currency, though he couldn't place the language of the script. What a foreign quarter was doing in the ceiling was beyond him but it did look pretty cool. He stuck it in his pocket with a smile and went on to meet his girlfriend.

     Julie was waiting at their usual spot next to a long length of lockers. She was every bit as attractive as Stephen was. Tall, slender, and busty. Just like Stephen, she knew it too. Really the two were a perfect match for each other.

"And just where have you been?" Julie shot Stephen a glare. "Not peeping on the girl's locker room, I hope."

"Aww babe," Stephen expertly began to brush off the explanation by grabbing Julie into a side hug. "Why would I need to peep when I got the prettiest girl right here?"

"That's a question I'd love to know the answer to," Julie responded accusingly. She brushed the concern aside though and eagerly began to kiss Stephen, not caring about the other people in the hallway watching, though they quickly moved off on their own.

     Stephen was enjoying the make out session as much as Julie was, and was glad he left his spot at the end of the hall for this. In the throes of their passionate kissing Stephen felt a vibration from his pocket and felt a sensation wash over him like a wave. His eyes were closed when he started making out with Julie, and when he opened them, he found himself at crotch level to Julie. Further, the tight jeans she was wearing was now changed into a small and enticing mini skirt. Stephen didn't have a lot of time to ponder what had just happened as he found his head being forced past Julie's skirt and into her thin panties.

"What are you waiting for? Get to work!" Julie commanded with sudden dominance. Stephen felt he should protest, but the wave washed over him again and found himself compelled to obey. With surprising deftness, he slid Julie's panties aside with his tongue and proceeded to pleasure her. He thoughtlessly ran his tongue into Julie, licking up all of her juices and moving his face in time with Julie's gyrations.

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